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Video: Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

By April 24, 2014Total Wellness

You ever have one of those days? You know the one where nothing seems to be going right. Or you are exhausted because you were up late working or up early trying to get things done. Last Thursday was one of those days for me. By 3pm I knew I needed some relaxing ME TIME.

I headed over to my mother in law’s who owns a BIOMAT (Verda Jones if you want to know more or about getting one). As I parked I heard the phone ring, I looked down at my phone to see my friend Rebekah calling. Hmmm I thought that is weird for her to call me during the day. I answered the phone to hear my always joyful and never complaining girlfriend seem a little down.

I hadn’t realized it but she had been struggling with her health for several months. I listened to her share how doctors had diagnosed her with couple of different things but after taking the regimen she wasn’t any better. She felt like she was at her wits end.

After asking her a few questions I made some suggestions that I felt could help her get to the root of the problem. After hanging up the phone she immediately made her appointments and was in with her first practitioner by 7pm that Thursday evening. On Monday she had her next appointment.

Here is what she shared on Facebook Monday evening: Praise report!! After 3 + months of feeling like I was under water could not think, breath properly, fatigue, sore body, blackouts, dizziness, no sleep, head pressure, neck stiffness, and much more!! God directed me to rain drop therapy and a chiropractic Dr. I am healed!!! Mind you I went to the doctors previous! They treated me for a middle ear infection which was not the problem. At the end of my rope crying out to my heavenly father he directed my path! Note to self do not wait till the end of my rope!

Rebekah’s pain and discomfort is a common heart breaking story I hear from moms and grandmoms who sometimes live years like that without finding some simple solutions.

Here is a video of a Women’s HEALING RETREAT I put on in 2010. These women spent a weekend away cleansing, receiving essential oil massages and having a lot of FUN!

As a practitioner I try to practice what I preach to you.  We all have to work everyday to take better care of myself, make time, save money for self care and learn about things that can help improve our health. If we aren’t happy and healthy our family and life will suffer.

Let our Newsletters, Blogs and Teaching Events help you be Fully Happy and Healthy. Check out some of our upcoming Local Classes and make an appointment for a Raindrop Session today. And don’t forget Chiropractic Care, a simple and safe adjustment can affect your whole body’s health.

For your Total Wellness,

Dr. Mary Starr Carter
the Total Wellness Doc and Mom


Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.

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