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Never, Ever Give Up

By May 31, 2012Total Wellness

Have you ever watched a Youtube video that was just so inspirational you couldn't help but be encouraged? I recently experienced a video like that and wanted to share it with you.  

It's a story that needs to be shared. It's a story of determination and fortitude. It's a story about falling many times and getting back up. It's a story that could be yours. I truly believe that.  

Remember, I believe in you and your ability to have TOTAL WELLNESS.

Do you believe what the doctors told you?  

You have Fibromyalgia, you will never be out of pain

You have Cancer, you have 6 months to live

You have Arthritis, you will never be able to bend and run like a kid again

You have…………..

Do you believe what your parents told you?

You will never be like those rich kids

You can't go to school for that

People never make any money doing that  

You are just going to be big and chunky like your grandmother  

Do you believe what your teachers told you?

You can't be a doctor you’re not smart enough

You just can't sing

You will be great with your hands but don't try to go to college, you just won’t be good at that

I recently was moved to tears watching this YouTube video below because I realized that so many people are not living their highest potential because they believe what others have spoken over them. 

What if we didn’t accept those words? 

Joanne Hassleman’s dad didn’t accept his 6 months to a year to live when he was diagnosed with ALS…He lived 8 more years.

Ara Karlberg of www.arakarlberg.com didn’t accept her diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and is Fibromyalgia free today. 

Dani Johnson didn’t accept her diagnosis of a fatal heart condition that restricted her life to no driving or flying. Today she is a successful business trainer who flies and drives all over the world. 

In the video below you will see that there was one person who believed in Arthur…That’s all he needed. 

My husband Jay Carter was a below average student until one teacher believed in him and brought out his genius. From that point on even when he was told he wouldn’t make the cut, or couldn’t do something he DID NOT believe it and persevered.

Debbie Twomey, a brilliant woman in her fifties didn’t see much possibility for her future work life. Today she runs a successful business www.djtwomey.com from the comfort of her home because one couple saw and encouraged her potential.

So here’s your assignment:

1)    Watch the video.
2)    Think about what you have accepted as facts in your health, finances, career, relationships, etc. because of what someone told you.

3)    Decide to change just one belief today that is holding you back from your highest potential.

4)    Let us know what it is over in the comment section below our blog. 

We are here to encourage you, inspire you to be better, and help you be the best you can be. 

EXTRA CREDIT:  Go out and encourage someone to be the best they can be! 

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.


  • Vaw4beacon says:

    I saw this video the other day and shared it on several pages because I was so inspired. One belief that I have changed about myself is that I have to leverage my body to make money. I have been inspired by this video and the encouragement of friends to begin setting up my own on line business, which will generate income in my absence.

  • Debbie says:

    Had to wait for the tears to stop. This is just so encouraging, his determination and his yoga instructor’s belief in him. I know that feeling, that encouragement, that gentle nudge in a direction you thought you could never go. Way to go Arthur, you give me hope.

  • Ebarbagallo says:

    What an inspiring and beautiful video!!  It just goes to prove that if you have the willpower that anything can be accomplished.  When we start feeling sorry for ourselves and get discouraged, just watch this video and you will most certainly be able to get up and start again!!

  • Karen says:

    I am sitting here crying!! What a beautiful story. We have so much potential!! Having someone come along side of us and believe in us, is such a motivating and loving factor.
    Thank you for sharing! 

  • Lori says:

    Amazing and inspiring.  I know that must be inside of me somewhere.

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