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Master cleanse

7 Days of Juice Fasting – Almost

By | Colon cleansing, Dr Mary Starr, Losing Weight, Master cleanse, Mind and Soul, Nutritional Supplements, Total Wellness, Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching | 29 Comments

7 Days of Juice Fasting – Almost 

By Dr. Mary Starr Carter

So I am writing this on the 7 ½ day of my almost Juice Fasting. As some of you know I had been recently inspired by the movie “Fat, Sick and Almost Dead”.  Although I had done several different cleansing and fast I had never done juices.  My husband and I had been getting colds much more frequently than usual, gained some weight, and just felt overall “yucky”.   So we both committed to do it.

Reboot is a term used in the movie to rest the body from solid foods and fortify with high dosages of nutrition from freshly juiced vegetables and fruits.

Reboot Tip #1:   Having a partner to do your cleanse or fast with helps you stay motivated. 

The Saturday before our cleanse my husband decides we need to eat pepperoni pizza since will be fasting soon.  I am tired and hungry and give in to 3 slices and some fried mushrooms.  Although I knew already this wasn't a good idea I would soon feel why in the next few days.

Reboot Tip #2:  Eat light before your fast for at least several days or longer.   Light meaning no starch breads, pasta, or pizza, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, or even meat, It does mean eat lots of veggies, fruits, healthy soups to get your fiber intake high.  This tip will help the transition to cleansing be much easier.

I didn't spend a lot of time investigating what kind of juicing I was going to do I just knew I was going to do mostly GREEN juices meaning more veggies than fruits.  The cost of about 3 days of groceries for both of us was about $75 with a few organic veggies like carrots and apples and the rest non-organic. 

Reboot Tip #3:  Decide on your recipes and get your food buying done in advance. Know where you can purchase the produce you will need.  For some of us it may be a 15-45 minute trip to get organic veggies and some will not be in season. Plan your time accordingly.

Day 1:   We start juicing and Jay can't stand the Mean Green juice with Ginger and refuses to drink it.  He starts juicing his own drinks including apple and lemon, apple and carrot and things like that. I am braver and even make a tomato juice with garlic. 

Day 2:  My throat is burning and my skin yeast gets in full flare even though I am only having like 1 apple or less per drink.  I am a little stiff and achey and a bit spacey.  Jay turns into a gorilla Tuesday morning most likely because he is not having juices regularly maybe 3 a day and letting 6-8 hrs go by in between drinks. Jay and I both continue.

Reboot Tip #4:  You must do your juices or shakes every few hours especially in the beginning. A minimum of 3-6 20 ounce juices a day.

Day 3:  I realize that because of the yeast in my system that just juicing even veggies will not be good for me so I add a protein shake.   We both do 3 shakes and 3 juices today. Jay is a lot less irritable and I feel kind of good except I am not pooping.

Reboot Tip #5:  Juicing can spike blood sugar and cause a body that has some underlying yeast overgrowth to flare up. 

Day 4:  Jay's special protein shake and enzymes gets him to flush out a lot of old poop. He feels increased energy and stamina, but his cough from last week's cold is still hanging on.  His bloating in his gut is down and his face is thinner.  I feel good but still not having any significant bowel movements even with my cabbage juice.

Reboot Tip #6:  You have to get the poop out when doing any type of cleansing, fasting or juicing program. Not pooping will drain your energy, give you headaches, mental fogginess and just have for feeling yicky if those toxins can't get out.  If not pooping use Smooth move tea or Senna may be a good choice before and during your cleanse.

Day 5:  I feel good and get my colon moving some but decide to go do an Infrared Sauna to sweat the toxins out for 45 minutes.  Boy do I start stinking in that sauna, those toxins really start coming out. Today I notice a difference in my face thinner but also my complexion is clearer.  I even go out to Tim Horton's to meet friends and have no cravings for breads or sugar. I have energy all the way until midnight.

Jay is back to juicing only once a day and maybe one shake so he is feeling not so good.  His sinuses are very congested again and he has a cough.

Reboot Tip #7:  Infrared Saunas, Lite exercise, Chiropractic, Foot Detox, Raindrop Therapies are all good to do when cleansing to help release toxins out of your system.

Day 6:  I feel really good and get a juice and a shake in before a day of cleaning and heavy lifting.  I can't believe the energy I have.  Although I forget to bring any shakes, juices or water so at noon I eat a pear that was there. I feel pretty dehydrated by 6pm but still lots of energy. I have released 9lbs.

Jay warms up some beans around noon and eats 2 servings of beans that day. He lost 12 lbs.

Day 7:  I have no desire to make another veggie juice because every time I drink one my throat gets irritated so I am deciding that I will just have protein shakes and a little light food. I enjoy a shake this morning and eat a little sweet potato.

Reboot Tip #8:  Coming off a cleanse is just as important as starting if not more.  

Jay's cough is really bad now.  Sunday after church we find ourselves on the road to show a property we own in Syracuse NY and Jay decides he is going to get a Five Guys hamburger and Fries, I tell him I am not going to eat meat for a while but I still have a few of his French fries.  He finishes his fries and is full and decides to save the burger until later.  When he eats his burger (protein, bread and heavy food his body isn't used to having) he can't keep his eyes open and goes to bed at 6pm that night.

 That night I cook a turkey breast for my son to have this week but end up eating over a cup of it.  I didn't feel hungry but I definitively craved something that must be in turkey.  I guess I am officially done with fasting. I can't even fall back into a Daniel Fast now. 

Did this Juice Fasting make Jay's cold worse?  No, his actions of not drinking water or juicing regular or even have shakes regular led to that in my opinion. 
But overall this was a really good experience for both of us. We feel good and have broken sugar habits and shrunk our stomachs. We are motivated to continue to eat smaller portions, liter foods, and exercise more regularly.  

I realize that juice fasting is not the right place for me and most of my clients to start when trying to rest and reboot our bodies. I pray that our story will be an encouragement to you. We are real people too who struggle with food. But we both were ready to REBOOT.  You can do it too even if it is a day to start with.  But I will share with you my favorite Reboot program which is safe and sooooooo much simpler is the 5 day Cleanse by Young Living.  It is easy to stick with and taste a lot better than the mean green juice with more benefits in my opinion.

The 5 day cleanse is the next thing we will do one to two times before the end of the year to solidify and continue our progress. 

Got Feedback? Please share your comments below. Your comments help us serve you better.

Dr. Mary Starr Carter is known as the Total Wellness Doc. She has been training individuals about Natural Health Solutions for over 13 years. She is trained as a Chiropractor and has studied under the world’s foremost leaders in natural medicine. She is a mother and a wife and has created a balanced and total wellness life for herself and thousands of her clients using her simple wholistic approach to health and wellness. Her coaching, classes and ebooks help clients with Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes, Weight problems, Thyroid and Chronic pain find resources and solutions to better health.



We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

By | Body, Losing Weight, Master cleanse, Mind and Soul, Nutritional Supplements, Total Wellness, Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching | 4 Comments


My husband and I pulled out the scale after vacation to see the numbers once again go up. He gained 10Lbs and I gained 5% bodyfat.. AGGGHHH.  We both have realized we have allowed ourselves to slowly gain weight, get out of shape, and begin a spiral of POOR HEALTH. Extra weight on our body before the holiday season and winter is not good. Did you know the average American puts on 11lbs between October 31st – January 1st and 5-10lbs during winter months?  

Don't get me wrong I love the holidays and I love vacations with my family. At my amazing Southern Cooking Mother- In-laws home good food is always around along with not so good food. I can always start my vacation saying no to desserts and then by mid week I have one of these decadent desserts and that's it…. It is all over. By the end of vacation I don't care what it tastes like I just want sugar and bread.

Vacations aren't bad for us we all need time away, we all need days we can just break loose of food restrictions and eat sugar, breads, soda and so on, but it's when we continue this trend after the holidays that things get bad. Constantly eating and drinking junk foods will lead to a junky body. Below is a trailer from the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I think it would be worth your time to watch it for free on www.hulu.com or rent it.

Let me know what you think below in the comments section.   My husband and I were both motivated to start a REBOOT.  In Monday's Blog I will share with you what our results were and what may be the best way to start for you.



The Road to Illness

By | Dr Mary Starr, Master cleanse | 3 Comments

The Road to Illness
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter

In late August I was really pushing myself with little sleep and eating more breads and what I call dead food. One particular weekend I pushed really hard to fit 5 days of activities into one and at the end of the day I ate a super sugary dessert.

Within 7 days I had a cold.  🙁   But since I know how to get well quick that is exactly what I did heal quickly.  8 days later I was flying in an airplane (germ tube)  to California where I ate very clean (fresh foods, no sugar, no dairy, not a lot of bread)  and I felt great.  I flew home and a day later on only 3 hrs sleep left for Florida.  For 5 days we lived in a whirlwind of conferences and go go go mode but again we ate fairly good.  

Then while on my resting vacation I slowly stopped taking my nutritional supplements daily, ate maybe one raw fruit or veggie a day, and although I had gone weeks without it I started eating sugar again.   Treats at the movies, a candy bar when I starving, desserts you couldn't resist.  That was it once my body has a taste of sugar it wanted more, so I would eat gross packaged cookies that I normally wouldn't just to get the sugar in.  No one forced me to do these things I made these choices and I eventually suffered the consequences. A day after we flew back home from vacation I got sick again. 

The Road to Illness 

#1   Sugar will lower your immune system    

In the book "Get The Sugar Out" by Ann Louise Gittleman she states, "No matter what form it takes, sugar paralyzes the immune system in a variety of ways:

Sugar has been proven to destroy the germ-killing ability of white blood cells for up to five hours after ingestion.

It reduces the production of antibodies, proteins that combine with and inactivate foreign invaders in the body.

It interferes with the transport of vitamin C, one of the most important nutrients for all facets of immune function.

It causes mineral imbalances and sometimes allergic reactions, both of which weaken the immune system.

It neutralizes the action of essential fatty acids, thus making cells more permeable to invasion by allergens and microorganisms."

And don't be fooled Sugar is many things you may not be aware of and other things that turn to sugar in the body like :  Ketchup, Breads, Salad Dressing, Popcorn, Potatoes, and the list goes on. 

Researchers are even showing that CANCER grows significantly faster on a daily diet including sugar.

YIKES  that would make anyone stop sugar …. unless you are sugar sensitive.  Sugar sensitive people like me are literally addicts.  Once we get a taste of it we want more.  Sugar has been classified as a drug causing a physiological change in our brains and behavior. We  all need to treat sugar more like a drug than a  that. 

#2  Lack of sleep  will lower your immune system

Sleep is a necessity for wellness.  I have discussed sleep a lot in my newsletters and also have our FREE sleep ebook. But recently worked with a Sleep Technician who enlightened me about Sleep disorders.  If you would like to hear more about that you are welcome to listen to our recorded Teleclass at   http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=22985013 

When you are sick or getting run down you need to cancel appointments, get a sitter, delegate and get some rest.  R-E-S-T  don't want to hear your excuses…. get some rest.  .

#3  Stress causes DIS-EASE  

Don't think STRESS has anything to do with your cold or illness, think again. Continuous stress on the body leads to illness.  And stress comes in different forms.  The body can experience stress from our environment, our thoughts, other people, electrical equipment,  and even airplanes.   Flying at certain altitudes stresses the thyroid gland.  A very important gland for you total wellness.   I discuss more about the role of the Thyroid in our online class 5-20lbs.

#4  Lack of Exercise  

Exercise helps to keep you healthy.  Both Cardio Vascular and Strength exercises help maintain and strengthen your immune system.  Plus you get a great dose of happy hormones. 

You could seen how my two week vacation of exercising only 3 times led to a few poor moods and a lowered immune system.  So let's add it up.

SUGAR + Lack of SLEEP +  STRESS  + Lack of Exercise = DIS- EASE  

In addition  all these things also Stress and Thyroid which I know contributed to my Cold.   I am ready to take control of the Wheel again and get back to WellNESS how about you?

Next blog we  will talk about how to recover from Illness and Cold  quickly.  

Please share your comments below. Your comments help us serve you better.


Dr. Mary Starr Carter is known as the Total Wellness Doc. She has been training individuals about Natural Health Solutions for over 13 years. She is trained as a Chiropractor and has studied under the world’s foremost leaders in natural medicine. She is a mother and a wife and has created a balanced and total wellness life for herself and thousands of her clients using her simple wholistic approach to health and wellness. Her coaching, classes and ebooks help clients with Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes, Weight problems, Thyroid and Chronic pain find resources and solutions to better health.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.


Infrared Sauna and Your Total Wellness

By | Body, Chronic Illness, Losing Weight, Master cleanse, Mind and Soul, Weight Loss | 2 Comments

Infrared Sauna and Your Total Wellness
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter

The body accumulates toxins just from everyday breathing, eating and living.  The less movement and exercise we get the less our bodies can eliminate these toxins.  Sweating is very good for us because it is nature’s way of removing toxins from the body.  But think about how often do you really sweat?  

Once a week, once a month…..  Never ….

Sweating is a great way to get and stay healthy.

Verda Jones found Far Infrared to be very healing for her arthritis pain condition in her hands and back.
“The thing that I can tell instantly is the pain relief during and after the sauna…”

I recently visited Jones Health Essentials after seeing Verda Jones in April for the birth of my son in NY. She was slim, fit and about 10lbs lighter. I asked her “what have you been doing?”  She said well everyday she was sweating outside in her garden and then 3 times a week she walked for 20 minutes on her treadmill and laid on her Far Infrared Bio Mat for 30 minutes.

The Biomat is a mat that contains Far Infrared technology along with Ion and Mineral technology to super charge it and create even more of a relaxing feeling.  She says the BioMat really helps her relax when she is stressed.  Well the result was 10lbs released, a lot less pain, better health and about 5 years more youthfulness in her skin and face as I observed her.

Here are some keys, how Far Infrared Heat, Mats and Saunas work:
(This information is not meant to diagnose and prescribe; it is taken from the literature received with the BioMat, and Infrared Sauna.) :

Strengthens the cardiovascular system

Deep Far Infrared penetration (up to 1.5 inches some literature says 6-8 inches)

Detoxifies heavy metals, hydrocarbon residues, alcohol, nicotine, sodium and cholesterol.

Helps purify fat cells, burns calories and controls weight.

Improves and clears cellulite.

Most effective way in burning calories. Burns up to 500 calories in one full session.

Effective for treating sprains, muscles spasms, and joint stiffness: relieves aches and pains.

Improves you immune system by sweating at a lower more comfortable temperature than a conventional hot sauna. Increases overall health and resistance to disease.

Sharpens senses and relieves stress, leaving you felling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Improves skin within a few minutes. Helps scars and burns.
Acne, psoriasis, and eczema conditions will also improve.
(I agree with this one. My skin was so soft after this treatment)

The Infrared Sauna stimulates endorphins of the brain and kills organisms like bacteria and parasites.

Increases blood flow

Destroys cancer and viral cells without harming surrounding healthy cells.  (Harvard Med School)

Now this is very interesting because Nancy Weber, a good friend and colleague in Young living Essential Oils, told me just this week that in July, she was struggling with Lyme’s disease and using Essential oils to help her condition.  When she started using her Young Living oils along with her Saunas she started getting quicker and more dramatic results.  “The Far Infrared sauna drives the oils in much deeper”   When I saw her for the first time in 2 years she looked 10 years younger.  I couldn’t believe it, even after her terrible summer.

So enhance your infrared sauna with Young Living essential oils before your treatment.  Don’t forget that you really need to take a shower in clean chlorinated free water after your sauna to wash off the toxins.

So far during my vacation I have only done one Sauna treatment and 2 Biomat treatments.  My skin and face are clear and smooth; I got rid of a headache with the treatments and feel really refreshed.  I LOVE Far Infrared Treatments.

If you struggle with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, or an Autoimmune Condition you may want to invest in a Sauna.  It may be the piece of health puzzle you are missing.

Please share your comments below. Your comments help us serve you better.



Dr. Mary Starr Carter is known as the Total Wellness Doc. She has been training individuals about Natural Health Solutions for over 13 years. She is trained as a Chiropractor and has studied under the world’s foremost leaders in natural medicine. She is a mother and a wife and has created a balanced and total wellness life for herself and thousands of her clients using her simple wholistic approach to health and wellness. Her coaching, classes and ebooks help clients with Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes, Weight problems, Thyroid and Chronic pain find resources and solutions to better health.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.