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What Does Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness Mean to You

By | Essential Oils, Total Wellness, Total Wellness Mom | 3 Comments

America is the Land of the Free. But do you have a sense of freedom in your life today? Do bills, poor health, threat of unemployment, unhealthy living environment, weak relationships, uncertainties and so on burden you?

What happened to the American dream? Of life, liberty and the ability to pursue happiness?

Since ancient times, man has been migrating across continents in search of a better life, safety, opportunity and favorable weather. Most of all, to have the freedom of who they can be and to pursue their destiny and ultimately to achieve a life on their own terms, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don’t we want them all? Yet freedom now is just a word for many, not a lifestyle.

Through history, we can learn work ethics, mindset and wisdom of our forefathers. Let’s look at one man’s quote and writings in the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin. He was one of the Founding Fathers of America, an entrepreneur, inventor, scientist, printer, author, politician, prophet and many more.

There is so much we can draw from in the 21 quotes below. If we were to think about it each day and put each to use in the next 21 days, our life, outlook, attitude, work ethic, ways of handling money, business and relationship will change.

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.
2. Lost time is never found again.
3. When you are finished changing, you’re finished.
4. Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
5. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
6. He that can have patience can have what he will.
7. Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
8. Many people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.
9. To lengthen thy lives, lessen thy meals.
10. Speak ill of no man, but speak all the good you know of everybody.
11. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
12. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
13. Energy and persistence conquer all things.
14. Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.
15. Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.
16. God helps those who help themselves.
17. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
18. The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
19. Never confuse motion with action.
20. The way to see by faith is to shut the eyes of reason.
21. Instead of cursing the darkness, light the candle.

Benjamin Franklin knew
• Persistence and pushing through adversity when experiencing the death of his son and failure of some businesses
• Don’t settle for the limitations due to the lack of education and money when starting out
• Moderation is better than overindulgence when it comes to food consumption
• Preparation and saving for rainy days, for they will come
• Investing time and money in learning and reading
• Willingness to change to suit current economic needs

Americans are always known to have the ability to stand, create, survive and hold the truths. None of our forefathers came to fall into bondage again. They came to build, increase and be free while going through hardship, lack and uncertainty.

There were opportunities but not without a price to pay. What are we willing to pay to move forward and have freedom of life? To find out how one pushed through adversity, limitation, shame and embrace change, knowledge, hard work, humility, persistence and pursuit of happiness, let’s watch this clip:

This Independence Day, I can’t help but feel grateful for all of you. I appreciate you and honor you for who you are, what you stand for and where you are going. If adversity comes knocking at your door, push through. If financial failure visited you lately don’t give up, if poor health is making you sick and tired, seek changes and help.

This week as I sat with thousands of people at the Young Living convention in Salt Lake City, I thought of the changes that are happening with Young Living and the changes I’ve made in my life and business. And how change is necessary to grow and advance.

Despite the adversities and hardship, there were many triumphs and successes along the way through determination, persistence, humility, hard work, faith, vision, investing of time and money into learning new skills and adding new skills and most of all, the willingness to make necessary changes. Just like the principles that Benjamin Franklin stood for and Chris Gardner believed as he stepped out to pursue.

Young Living announced their transformation in this convention to suit the current growth and demand. Changes are being made as I write. They want to be more efficient, responsive, and supportive in the online world to help their skyrocketing growth worldwide.

Freshness, excitement, energy and new direction are needed to achieve the next level in the corporate world and in our personal life.

If you have read this far, let me ask you this:

What would your life look like if you could just add an extra $200 per month into your bank account? Not $2,000, just $200.

Are you ready to transform and pursue life, liberty and to pursue happiness for you and your family? I would like to invite you to join Jay and I on July 12th at 9:30pm for a FREE teleseminar on how to take your Young Living Business Online and never to be tied to your phone all day again. Change is happening in the marketplace…

I’m going to share secrets on how I am able to cut hours of my time on the phone and still make more money than ever before. At the same time, how my business grew when others were suffering, because of the changes that I’ve made. I’ll also let you know how to get out of adversity and limitations and push through your fears and self doubt.

Will I see you there? Here is a link to register for this FREE call. Seats are limited. It will be full I guarantee. Here's the link.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Tools to Help You Say Goodbye to Summer Stress

By | Total Wellness, Total Wellness Mom | 3 Comments

Well summer has officially started and for parents of school aged children, it can be a wonderful time of the year and also a very stressful time of the year. Recently these are the comments I have heard from my family and friends. “What am I going to do with the boys this summer?” “ My son (college aged) sleeps all day and plays internet video games at night”,  “We would love to go on vacation but all our extra money goes to feeding these kids when they are home”.   

Have you made comments like that? Do you find summer stressful?  Do you feel financially strapped when it comes to the summertime?

Let me tell you about 2 kids I know.  

The first young teen is named Julia and she is a Rock Star. Well not really a rock star, but a mature teen who has been running her own businesses for more than 5 years.  She has her cookie making business, brochures and business cards, she has a dog treat company, and now she has her babysitting company.  This summer she will most likely make more money than some working adults I know.  

Then there is Jeremy. He is a grown adult in a successful business, but before he could even drink, he had earned about $100,000 a year.  Part of his fortune came from learning an online video game, and then writing an eBook report that taught how to beat the game.  

Julia and Jeremy may sound unique and special but really, they simply had parents who gave them some tools to succeed. This summer and all year long you have the opportunity to help your kids succeed.

I have recorded a 20 minute audio sharing with you tips from these parents and pointers on how you can spend quality time with your kids this summer, help them be successful and earn extra income for the whole family.  That vacation is possible.  Go over to my page and check it out for yourself. 

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Moving Out of 215: Life is About Transitions

By | Total Wellness | 5 Comments

Transition can be difficult.  On May 30th at exactly noon, I closed the door on my 215 Rochester office for the last time. Of course I had been downsizing for years since my son was born and did very few treatments there. I knew for a while that I needed to release that office but my heart and head just weren’t ready.  Have you ever been stuck like that?

A decade of learning

Over the years I have been blessed to work with so many wonderful patients.  Some clients I might just see once and others I might see every week for a year.  I also used my office as headquarters for teaching hands on healing therapies, wellness meetings, distributor trainings, and my writing retreat.

10 years of working with clients one on one led to much of the proven information in my eBooks and Wellness Programs. Nine years of higher education was nothing compared to the education I got with 10 years of treating clients. Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Autism, Obesity, Skin issues, every type of Arthritis, Lyme’s disease, Allergies, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders and the list goes on.  Technically as Chiropractors we don’t treat diseases, but we do treat dis-ease.  I have learned that dis-ease has roots; some physical, some emotional, some spiritual and if we don’t look at the whole picture, a person can rarely get fully well.  Many clients found solutions to their health challenges, roots to their dis-ease and some who were ready to pull out the roots made full recoveries.  

10 years of treating clients and 2 years of being a mom has given a lot to write about and coach others as the Total Wellness Doc and Mom.  My website www.thetotalwellnessdoc.com will share with you lessons I have learned both personally and from hundreds of clients. We will provide opportunities for you to learn, be a part of a community of individuals on the road to wellness.  We will laugh together, cry together, and cheer each other on.  

What about my hands-on gift and Chiropractic?  

God granted me a gift of healing. I know that there is a special gift he has given to me and my hands. When I partnered with God in my practice in 2008 I saw some remarkable things, even miraculous. I learned to let God lead and pray a lot.  I would say it is the single most powerful weapon to dis-ease that we have. You add prayer to an essential oils anointing and you have some serious healing.  I chose to get my ministry license so that I can continue to lay hands, pray and anoint my clients with Young Living Essential Oils and Raindrop Technique when there is a serious need in their homes, hospitals, or rehab facilities.  

I don’t regret becoming a Chiropractor or investing over $250,000 to go to school and start a practice. I know it led me to where I am now.  A part of me is sad that I can’t adjust someone’s spine when I feel they REALLY need a Chiropractic adjustment, but I always refer them and pray that the oils help them self adjust or that they will make the decision to go get adjusted.  

Making a life you want

I made a choice over 10 years ago to do things differently and started creating the life I wanted then. December 21st, 2000 I made a decision to start a little business marketing, distributing and teaching about therapeutic essential oils. I have consistently worked that business for over 11 years. I have consistently invested in my education and business development.  The result is a thriving business that allows me to live the life I want. I can raise my son, hire the best nanny in the world for 10 hours a week so I can also be the Total Wellness Doc and Mom, and be able to hire amazing staff to support this business and you.

Having the life you want can be simple but it won’t be easy. It involves making difficult decisions, letting go of things that don’t serve your life in a positive and productive manner, investing in you, developing new skills and the courage to go out and be a new you.  

If you are ready to be a NEW YOU, let me know in the comments section below. If you are ready to get healthy, start a business, change your career, break out of those old habits, I want to help you and be a part of your CHEERING section.   

I appreciate you being a part of my Wellness Journey too!  

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.


Never, Ever Give Up

By | Total Wellness | 6 Comments

Have you ever watched a Youtube video that was just so inspirational you couldn't help but be encouraged? I recently experienced a video like that and wanted to share it with you.  

It's a story that needs to be shared. It's a story of determination and fortitude. It's a story about falling many times and getting back up. It's a story that could be yours. I truly believe that.  

Remember, I believe in you and your ability to have TOTAL WELLNESS.

Do you believe what the doctors told you?  

You have Fibromyalgia, you will never be out of pain

You have Cancer, you have 6 months to live

You have Arthritis, you will never be able to bend and run like a kid again

You have…………..

Do you believe what your parents told you?

You will never be like those rich kids

You can't go to school for that

People never make any money doing that  

You are just going to be big and chunky like your grandmother  

Do you believe what your teachers told you?

You can't be a doctor you’re not smart enough

You just can't sing

You will be great with your hands but don't try to go to college, you just won’t be good at that

I recently was moved to tears watching this YouTube video below because I realized that so many people are not living their highest potential because they believe what others have spoken over them. 

What if we didn’t accept those words? 

Joanne Hassleman’s dad didn’t accept his 6 months to a year to live when he was diagnosed with ALS…He lived 8 more years.

Ara Karlberg of www.arakarlberg.com didn’t accept her diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and is Fibromyalgia free today. 

Dani Johnson didn’t accept her diagnosis of a fatal heart condition that restricted her life to no driving or flying. Today she is a successful business trainer who flies and drives all over the world. 

In the video below you will see that there was one person who believed in Arthur…That’s all he needed. 

My husband Jay Carter was a below average student until one teacher believed in him and brought out his genius. From that point on even when he was told he wouldn’t make the cut, or couldn’t do something he DID NOT believe it and persevered.

Debbie Twomey, a brilliant woman in her fifties didn’t see much possibility for her future work life. Today she runs a successful business www.djtwomey.com from the comfort of her home because one couple saw and encouraged her potential.

So here’s your assignment:

1)    Watch the video.
2)    Think about what you have accepted as facts in your health, finances, career, relationships, etc. because of what someone told you.

3)    Decide to change just one belief today that is holding you back from your highest potential.

4)    Let us know what it is over in the comment section below our blog. 

We are here to encourage you, inspire you to be better, and help you be the best you can be. 

EXTRA CREDIT:  Go out and encourage someone to be the best they can be! 

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Is Food Causing Your Health Problems?

By | Food, Total Wellness | 3 Comments

They say 85% of all hospital visits are due to our lifestyle, meaning food, exercise and stress. Most people would have an idea that this is true but there is something more important that most docs are just starting to recognize.  Are we becoming sensitive or allergic to the foods we are eating? And could this be the reason why we have certain healthy issues?


So what did you think? Have any questions…Go over to my Facebook Page and let me know.

Here is the link for you to take a Gluten Self Sensitivity test. 

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.


Graduation and Success: Is It All About Higher Education?

By | Total Health Support Systems | 5 Comments

In the months of May and June we can go to the mailbox and find invitations in the mail from family and friends to come celebrate their children’s graduation. Kids are graduating from high school, college, or beyond. There is the happiness of the accomplishment but I would like to share with you the other side of the coin…

The burden of DEBT 

As a person who has spent a total of 22 years in school, 9 of which was in higher education, I acquired a debt of over $165,000 in educational loans. Shortly after I graduated, I was required to pay $1250 a month to start paying back my debt. 

Many of my graduating Chiropractic class were in the same boat having a debt of over $1000 a month to pay. This burden caused many of them to work for other docs in situations where they were not happy just so they could survive. Others had to defer their loans meaning not pay them because of financial hardship) and some 10 years later are still deferring their loans. The burden of debt was so bad for many docs, some told me they wished they could give it all back because they hated the burden of being BROKE.

The US News Reported in 2010 that the average cost of tuition and expenses (living, books etc.) ANNUALLY WAS

For a 4 year public school like SUNY Oswego was $18,000 
A 4 year Private school like Lemoyne was  $28,000  
A 2 year school $11,000

Now a large majority of students do work while going to college, having a part time work-study position, or retail or food service jobs to help pay for their living expenses. I worked all through college but many months couldn’t make my living expenses and would need parental help. One year I was so broke that I actually needed to go on Food Stamps to get by.

The Burden of Finding a Job

The Associated Press reported about 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or working jobs that they are overqualified for like food services. 

The worst degrees were college graduates that majored in zoology, anthropology, philosophy, art history and humanities. The best employing degrees were with nursing, teaching, accounting or computer science degrees.

They say that high school graduates have much higher unemployment rates and many who have been downsized from jobs make the decision to go back to school. But yikes, would they be better off not attending?

What can we do to help our children find the best careers?


Bethany is a 16 year old who just graduated high school a year early. She has had her own business now for over a year. She assists business owners with online tasks and social media management. Her hourly rate is $17 an hour for virtual assistant services (more for social media services), which is more than what most 20 year employed veterans make. Her parents started grooming her several years ago when they realized they were deficient in really grooming their kids for success. They have invested over $12,000 in trainings, classes and education so Bethany could be successful at an early age. 

Now Bethany’s goal is not to be a Virtual Assistant her whole life but she is using this business to fund her other passions as well as learn and grow.  Read her article “5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Take a Gap Year”.

Cameron has always been a worker helping his family with their family owned businesses. Since he was a young kid, he would clean the carts, pick up trash and collect balls at their family golf course and range. As he grew, his responsibilities grew but he has always known how to work. It wasn’t an option, it is what they did. At the young age of 18 he was approached by a local farm owner to come work for the summer. His outstanding work ethic, responsibility and motivation over that summer put Cameron in a management position. After just 2 years, the owner has asked him to partner in growing the farm and managing the farm. 

What did Cameron and Bethany’s parents do to help their children be successful?

Cameron’s family led him by example of work and required helping the family business and working at a young age. I hear many parents give excuses why their children don’t work…  or why they don’t require their children to work, and then give them privileges like they did.  Cars, paying for insurances, or giving spending money with out work. In life we do have to work. It’s all part of it, but we can teach them the rewards of working and how to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Bethany’s parents understood their own shortcomings and got training to improve their parenting and then invested in their children’s success.  As a parents, don’t think your child has to have graduated high school before they can start being successful. Learn what is available for kids out there.  Ask one of your friends who is successful in business to mentor your kid, or even let a child who is eager and motivated to intern or be an apprentice with them.

Is higher education right for my kid?

Cecelia was a very bright studious driven young woman who did everything well. Upon graduation she had 4 good work internships that should have landed her a job right away, but unfortunately didn’t.  And 2 years later she is one of those underemployed even though she is above the pack.

John barely graduated high school but found a great passion for computers. He loved learning new things. He taught himself computer science, started working at a computer store and constantly learned more. He invested in learning PEOPLE and communication skills, which led to top IT positions within a Fortune 500 company.

I don’t know if higher education is right for your kid or not. But in Cecelia’s case, she may have benefited from taking a GAP year (read Bethany’s article) to develop her connections, networks and skills before jumping out in the work force. She was so burned out after graduation and stressed about finding a job. Then she was had more stress when she didn’t find a job. A gap year may have been a good choice for her.

Is your child passionate about something? How will you help feed that passion? Are you teaching your kids people, job or business skills? Do you need to improve your people or parenting skills? Don’t be offended, we ALL can improve.  Start with you and watch your children blossom. It’s never too late.

What do you think about graduation and success? Please leave a comment below.  

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Mom is the Word: Honoring Our Mothers and the Women Who Influenced Us

By | Total Wellness Mom | 2 Comments

As mothers, our heart’s desire is to provide a safe place, wisdom, good health and lots of love for our family. We are the influencers of the next generation. As a history buff, when I ponder on Mother’s Day and our roles, I think of strong faithful women of the Bible.

One woman who stands out is Ruth.  She was caring, compassionate, faithful, a servant, overcame great odds, took great risks, and was rewarded by God.

Last week we ran a special post on Life’s Journey with the Women of Our Lives. We are honored to have so many men and women share about the special woman of their lives. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are some of the stories shared.

Mary Simmons
Want to thank God for my mom; I would not know how to cook, clean and be a good wife if not for all the years of teaching and training. Thank you for never giving up on me, for homeschooling me all those years and being a great role model.

Sally Franz
I give thanks for three women who have influenced my life, besides my mother and grandmother who adopted me and made me feel so special in this world teaching me unconditional love.

The first was a church worker, who served at the university chapel where I got my first Master's degree in 1970. She taught me so much about the fact that we are all God's children who have gifts to share for the benefit of the world. No one is excluded, no matter their limitations.

The second one is my wonderful mentor and sponsor Patricia, who has accepted me and taught me so much about living that I had no clue. She too has accepted me without limitation and has taught me to reach beyond my boundaries to seek new horizons and reach out to others in all places to share the news of natural health and wholeness. I am grateful to God for these women being in my life.

Jay Carter
My grandmother Leona Delk had many qualities that I admired but her top 3 were her faith in Jesus, she never complained no matter how dire her circumstances, and she was giving and kind to everyone.

I never heard her ever complain. She raised 8 children and some of her grandchildren mostly on her own with very little. In the early years they were so poor the families from the poor side of town would bring them food. Yet even though she had little she would give and share what she had.  

I remember as kids there was this man we all thought was crazy who lived in the woods. My grandmother would walk a couple of miles and bring food to him and make sure he was okay even though everyone told her not too. Years later she was contacted by his family to thank her for looking after him as he had been traumatized in the Vietnam War.  She never went to church but was one of the most faithful, Christ like, people I know.

Ara Karlberg

Want to thank my Grandmother for being such an important influence in my life. She was there when others couldn't be. She instilled in me a strong work ethic (she worked by choice until she was 86), my love of reading and writing (she was a Librarian), my thirst for history and genealogy (she traced our paternal side of the family back to Whales 736AD)! She was powerful, brilliant and fair. Not a day goes by that I don't feel her presence and hear her guiding me!

Mary Ellen Fava
She's my neighbor, my friend, neither of us have our mothers anymore. She's 20 years older than me, but as young and beautiful in looks, thought and ideas. I turn to her for more than I have turned to my mother and she is always there for respect, guidance and love. I am blessed to have such a wonderful woman in my life. Wish it would last forever.

I wish her Happy mothers day more than all. Thank you Gaye, and brightest Blessings to you for eternity. She has bought more in my life than I can ever expect from one person. How lucky am I.

Debbie Twomey 
The older we get the more women have touched our lives. First and foremost is my mother. What she taught me was strength and how to persevere. The most amazing lesson was her growth as a person that mirrored mine; she matured and changed as she learned lessons in life too. 

My best friend Lorraine, who taught me that love can be unconditional and last a lifetime through the ups and downs. 
Ellen, who taught me that a kind and gentle spirit has a special place in this world and I was so lucky to have found this friendship at a time when I needed it most. The laughter we share is priceless. 

And last but never least– Mary. The lessons, the gifts, the honor and respect are immeasurable. She has given me the gift of a new direction and promise in my life and opened my life and my heart to so many possibilities that had never seemed attainable. As a mentor she has gently pushed me forward when I would have been content to stagnate and as a friend she has been a shoulder, a confidant and an equal. 
Thank you to all of these women and the many more I have been lucky enough to have had in my life.

Claudia Looi
My mother taught me servanthood and honor. While my father was dying of cancer, I saw my mother serving him to the very end. In his pain and suffering, she comforted him, fed him, bathed and clothed him. As a little girl, I saw my mother honor my grandmother even when she was humiliated in front of relatives.

Theresa Chalone
Many, my mother, my grandmother, my cousin Franci, my beautiful daughter. But the one person who gave me spiritual influence was my Aunt Yolanda.  These are my thoughts that were taken from her eulogy, at her funeral.  It’s the best way I can explain how I greatly appreciated the deep, long lasting influence she had made in my life.

She was a wonderful, loving, devoted, kind, daughter, sister, mother and grandmother and a fabulous cook.  To me she was all those things, but most importantly, she was my spiritual mentor, the epitome of a Godly and holy woman.

Whenever I would call and ask what she was doing, it was usually saying her rosary or reading her daily prayers, and when there was a crisis, we knew who to call to pray for us.  Her prayers never ceased.  Everything she did she did with love, and that love was the basis for her faithfulness to God.

She suffered great pain and numerous hospitalizations.  But she knew that her suffering was not meaningless.  Suffering doesn’t make people better; sometimes it makes them bitter, but not Aunt Yolanda.  She never questioned her situation.  I never saw her angry or bitter.  She had many defeats at times, but she never dwelled upon her defeats.  Instead she was courageous, faithful, hopeful, never complaining.

She was the one person who I could go to when my life turned upside-down. She had been there too, she knew how my heart ached, and she had felt the same pain.  She taught me that no matter how bad things can get, no matter how much you have lost, that you never let go of your faith in God.  He has a purpose for us all here on earth and you never question why.

In her deepest pain came the strong conviction of the presence and love of God.  IN all her suffering she had joy, and we all know that joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God.  The bible tells us that suffering is in order that we might grow in grace…Aunt Yolanda was full of grace…

I have no doubt that God put a certain amount of iron in her soul to help her through all her trials.  Aunt Yolanda desired to know Jesus and the power of his resurrection.  She based her whole being on knowing Christ.

I believe that all the years she has had pain has brought her to a higher level up in heaven.  We use to talk about how suffering so much was people’s gateway to heaven and I always told her that I was sure she would be sitting at God’s right hand, next to all our other departed family members.

Aunt Yolanda was a very special Aunt to me.  She never judged me or anyone else.  NO matter how old I was, or what kind of trouble I would get into, she never cast judgment, she just listened and if I needed a scolding she would give it to me, because she loved me.

I will never forget Aunt Yolanda, your courage, your faithfulness, devotion and kindness.  It has been a privilege and honor to be her niece, to have learned from her, laughed and cried with her.  Every year I would thank God for the birthday and Christmas celebrations we shared together.  I will cherish all my memories of her.
Each Christmas I would give her a little angel to watch over her for the year. This year, I know she is with all those angels celebrating her arrival with them in Heaven.

Ellen Barbagallo  OUR WINNER
The person I hold dearest to my heart is my Gramma & Grampa.  They have been deceased for many years now as I am a grown adult with my own grandchildren and one great grandchild.  My Gramma was always there for me as a child and I could always count on her and she never let me down.  Whether with problems, happy occasions or just being there when I needed a place to live, she was always there to help and comfort me. She always will hold the largest portion of my Heart. 

My Husband and children hold the 2nd portion of my heart and the third and final portion belongs to my Best Friend Forever, Debbie, who is the best friend I have ever had in my 67 years and this is why: 
A friend is a relative you make for yourself
A friend is one who comes In when the whole world has gone Out
There are big ships and small ships, but the best ship of all is Friendship
A True friend is one who thinks you are a Good Egg, when you are Half-Cracked
A true friend is one you can call at 4AM, or they can call you
A true friend is one who gives a compliment and means it
A true friend accepts us as we are, yet helps us to be what we should.

Debbie, you are all of this and more and I truly Love you.

Mother’s Day offers a time of reflection of the women in our lives, our mothers, being a mom and a woman.

Each of us have a story and we will be one of the stories that our children and grandchildren live to tell. Whether we are struggling or enjoying being a mother, we can empower each other to grow and expand our positive influence.

I want to invite you to join me on this journey of motherhood, to celebrate our roles, to act in love and honor and to create total wellness for our family and ourselves. Leave me a comment below.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Life’s Journey With The Women In Our Lives

By | Total Wellness Mom | 3 Comments

There is always one woman in our lives, whether it is our mom, grandmother, a teacher or a special friend who made a difference to us. They are the women we admire and look up to, women who seem to do the impossible, women who overcome the odds, women who lead the way, or women who raised us up.  The women in our lives are there for us in life’s journey.

Who is that woman to you?  

Maybe you have several women?

In the journey of life, with the ups and downs that we traveled through each year, we encountered women who have impacted us, given more than we asked for, influenced us and accepted us as we were. Some probably had gone the extra mile and led us down the right path and destiny of our life.

I have a few women in my life through the years. They have contributed to who I am today.

Each has come alongside in a specific season and has taught me these attributes:

Work ethic  
I have always had a good work ethic and have been making my own money since I was 11 years old. My mom was my greatest influence.  I remember being 4 years old and my mom working all day and going to school at night to improve her career.

Late at night she would be doing her homework and then, the next morning, waking up early to go to work. She would many times work two jobs, sometimes out of necessity, but mostly out of the joy she got from what she was doing.

My mom was elected as a city official that helped make improvements to our community that will last for decades. This shows the importance of contributing to the betterment of our community. She taught me to work hard, enjoy what you do and make a difference.

I would say my mom and dad both have a wonderful heart and ability to care for others. My mom always is baking cakes for someone’s birthday at work or making a quilt for someone’s new baby. She weekly can be found bringing dinner to a homebound friend, or giving an elderly person a ride somewhere.

Both my mom and dad’s big hearts have given me a heart for others….

Unfortunately, it also means I cry at every sad story or commercial. I have developed a passion to help others. I passionately want to see them succeed in their health, finances or just anything they desire.

My senior year of high school was challenging but I had several teachers who encouraged me and pushed me to be better. One teacher took time to help me prepare for a very intense Leadership Scholarship presentation and interview at a Keuka College.

I was very prepared and won the scholarship beating out 30 other finalists.  I wouldn’t have been able to go to Keuka College without that scholarship. And without the foundation I got there in that small classroom environment, it wouldn’t have helped me make it through the difficult Pre-med classes and onto my Doctorate in Chiropractic. I owe that success to the help and encouragement to the encourager at that time, my teacher.

Then there are the simple little cards. One simple card given to me has stuck in my head for over 20 years. Mrs. Bouchard, my senior year high school English teacher wrote us all a handwritten card of encouragement and gave it to us the last day of our senior year.

In that card, Mrs. Bouchard showed she cared about my future successes and me. She taught me the importance of encouraging others and never overlook simple handwritten notes and cards. The simple gesture of speaking life and positive futures to those who crossed my path.

Who I am today, I owe it to the women in my life

Today I am the CEO of a 13-year-old company that helps thousands of individuals all over the world make smarter and healthier lifestyle choices.

But my greatest joy is being a mom and wife. I love that role and it brings me great happiness. I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for the people who shaped my life.

How about you? Do you have a woman you admire? One who has impacted your life in a big way?
It’s easy to go through our days and get caught with activities and demands and forget the many goodies. Let’s ponder a moment…

Who are the women in my life that have contributed to my life’s journey?
What did I learn from them?
Who are you today?
Who are you influencing?

I’ve thought through these questions for the last few days. I am influencing my family, associates and clients through my examples of delegation, boundaries and prioritization. As a leader, wife and mom, the people I’m in contact with are observing my attitude, lifestyle and priorities.

Most importantly, they see my success comes from putting God first, myself and my family second, and my career third.

Mother’s Day is around the corner. I want to honor and show my gratitude to all my readers and women in my life. So the best way is to run a contest and get this going.

I’m inviting all of you to join me on my Facebook page and leave a comment about the woman or women in your life. https://www.facebook.com/TheTotalWellnessDocandMom


We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Juice Detox Fast

By | Total Wellness | 3 Comments

I couldn't believe how great she looked. I had never seen an accountant look that radiant right after tax season. They normally look burned out, bloated, and like they had a hang over.  (No offense to my accountant friends).  But not Joanne.  Joanne DelBolso from No Fuss Accounting in Cicero, NY was on her 10th day of juicing and she looked RADIANT!  

I spent an entire day with her at an Accounting and Organizational Seminar she gave.  Nine hours of great but brain intensive information.  I was shocked to see her fully energized at 5pm while the rest of us were exhausted.  Then I remembered how energizing fasting could be. 

I wrote about my 7 day juice fast back in October where I almost made it 7 days. Since then I realized I did things kind of wrong and am thinking about giving it another try. Joanne was really motivational and helpful in seeing that you need to work up to it.  You can't just decide you are going to do it tomorrow without investigating a juicer, testing out recipes, slowing down the sugars, and carbs and then gradually going into it.  She planned and achieved! 

Here is her story:

Joanne has more videos.

Here is her video sharing about her juicer and getting ready for your fast. 

Here is her video on how to make her JO JO Juice Recipe and how she drinks it: 
Part I Juice recipe

Part II with more tips 
Joanne has really helped me see that I CAN DO IT and how to make a delicious drink. 

So who wants to join me for a Juice Detox Fast? Leave a comment below if you want to join me.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Do You Struggle with Feelings of Unworthiness?

By | Total Wellness | 3 Comments

I first started seeing the importance of loving yourself about 12 years ago in my practice. I would spend an hour with many patients with my combination Chiropractic essential oil treatments.  Some women would open up to me right away, others after many sessions.  Maybe they sensed that I cared, maybe they knew I was a safe outlet, that I could relate or maybe they knew I might have a resource for them to help. Their stories were of their past, hurts, heartaches, and wounds.

Sadly the stories were devastating, heart breaking, and some you wouldn’t be able to believe the cruelty in this world. As a result, many of these women’s traumas had directly affected their current beliefs about themselves.  Some saw themselves as ugly, some un-loveable, and not worthy of much in life. In addition, they may have had habits that protected them or even pushed love away.

Your habits reflect how you feel about yourself    

I don’t mean to be insensitive, but I think everyone would agree that individuals that are plagued with eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and even cutting struggle with SELF LOVE. In fact some call these behaviors acts of self hate. 

But there is another group of people who at a lesser degree still struggle with SELF LOVE. They may sabotage their success in different areas. They lose 30 pounds, start feeling unworthy of being healthy or slim and gain it all back and then some.  They may have success in their business and then start believing what their ex verbally abusive husband said “YOU WILL NEVER BE GOOD AT ANYTHING”. 

Have you ever wondered why you keep going around in circles in your life?  Have you seen patterns of self-sabotage?  


How to Overcome your Struggle with Self Love

Loving yourself totally requires that we pull of the roots of unworthiness. See, somewhere in your life a seed was planted. It could have been one boy at the playground calling you fat at recess. It could have been an ignorant parent telling you to shut up and you don’t know anything. It could have been a rotten husband crushing your once beautiful self esteem with awful words.  And it could have been years of your own negative self talk.

Seeds get planted but it takes water, sun and nutrients to grow. Sadly, roots grow then the stem, then the leaves and if the process continues without WEED KILLER, we may even see a TREE with FRUIT. Fruit of UNWORTHINESS, LOW SELF ESTEEM, even SELF HATRED.

But we have to understand we can’t just simply pick the fruit.  Why?  Because it will grow back.  Telling ourselves we are “over it” or using affirmations like “I am beautiful, I am successful, I am worthy” is not enough. It’s good, don’t get me wrong but it won’t get to the roots.

I want to share a pattern I have seen in some women.  Trauma in their childhood, usually abuse of some sorts with parents who were neglectful or not loving in the way parents should be.  The trauma of their childhood led to eating disorders, or some form of self abuse or self hatred.  They found themselves in abusive relationships and by their 30’s started struggling with their health. They padded their lives with fat, things, or habits like emotional eating, co-dependency, always saying yes, putting all their energy into a career, child or other person.  This padding is a wall… a wall to keep love out. In relationships mostly with men, they might push them away with meanness and cruelty just because of their own feelings of unworthiness.

Now of course this is the extreme, but many individuals do this on different levels.  

How to Break Free of Self Hatred

Self Hatred is a powerful force that could leave a person in bondage for life. The good news is there is a force greater than this. A force that can break the bonds of torment, hurt, self sabotage, and pull up the roots of unworthiness.  Some call this force miraculous and with bondage breaking over night. Others use this force and break free over months or even years.  I personally have witnessed dozens of clients and friends set free from the past junk that controlled their lives. The cool thing is they did it without a decade of counseling, medications, or electro-shock treatments.

 Most people believe in it but still don’t know how to harness this force to BREAK FREE.

For over 3 years I have worked with this specific Bondage Breaking Force. It is amazing how radically it can change your life. How good happiness feels, freedom, and joy! I would love to see you experience this same thing and learn to break free. On May 18th, we have a special presentation given by Dr. Lavonne Atnip, a counselor who has helped hundreds of clients including myself harness this 2000 year old force and BREAK FREE from the Bondage of Unworthiness. If you would like to break free too, join us.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Mommies’ Survival Guide: How to Juggle Between Work, Children and Life

By | Total Wellness Mom | 2 Comments

If only there was flexibility and order in our lives. Wouldn’t life be easy and terrific? We all have a share of our difficult moments as mommies. The morning rush with one child needing to do her hair before school or one unable to get up in time for breakfast and another child hanging on to you not wanting to leave home.

Whether we are a stay at home mom, work at home mom or a mom working outside of home, we are pulled in every direction. Some moms stay at home and feel guilty for not contributing financially to the family and some who work outside of home feel bad because they are not spending time with their children and husband. Whatever situations we are in, they are all personal choices and different circumstances. Each has worries and challenges of its own, not forgetting the rewards too.

While we are doing life as mommies, let’s make the very best of our situations. Here are five things to look at for survival as mommies:

One: Assess your family’s needs
Mothers who work outside their homes may find themselves with nothing left at the end of the month because of childcare, transportation and eating out. Stay at home moms may be feeling extremely guilty for not contributing a dime to the family’s financial needs. Most leave their careers because of children, and childcare and other expenses add up to be the same as working outside of home.

Questions to ask:
What are the most important needs in my family?
What would happen if I stay home full time, work outside of home or stay at home and work from home part-time?
Which situations will best serve my family’s need?
These questions will take into consideration your family’s finances, time and health.
Two: The rain and sunshine of life
Women who are focusing on the ‘what ifs’ or ‘should haves’ will carry guilt, regret and fear. Life is never a bed of roses. We can expect the rain to come and the sunshine to follow. Children may get sick, teens may act up or your aging parents may need your time because of illnesses.

Questions to ask:
What can I change that will make our home life better?
What can’t be changed and needs alterations?
If we are financially strapped, what job or business could I look into to help us get by?
If my child is constantly sick, do we need to change something in his life?
These questions could help us adjust our expectations and have a different mindset.

Three: Run your family like a ‘business’
A business without a goal and action plan could fail or may just stay the same year after year. Likewise, a family without a common goal and plan of action each day may be just drifting. Just like a business, children grow older and their needs will be different. The family’s goals and action plan will need to be adjusted according to the growth. It may be different every year.

Stay at home moms who have older children may possibly find that it’s time to work part time at home or outside of their homes. After many years of staying at home, finding a job outside of her home without a ‘glorious’ resume or starting a business without any experience could be challenging.

Questions to ask:
Does each family member know his or her role in the family? (For example, chores and school work habits)
Do we watch TV or stay at the computer/electronics more than connecting with each other?
Do we just exist without any plans or goals?
These questions could help families have a clear vision for their life. Clear vision will help parents and children follow their goals and plan of actions each year.

Four: Co-op for learning, playtime, sharing of business ideas
Families who are homeschooling could start a co-op where moms pick certain topics to co-teach the children. This will save preparation time and leave the teaching of a certain subject to a mom who has the expertise. Some moms are good in math and some may be in writing.

You could also arrange for playtime and field trips for the kids. While moms are spending time together, perhaps there is an opportunity to share business ideas or have informal child-care arrangements. Moms could help each other and free up time to learn a skill, work part-time or grow their business.

Questions to ask:
Who in my neighborhood will be a good fit for my children’s learning, playtime and child care needs?
What could I do in my spare time with my friends in the neighborhood?
Should I find a part-time job or find a part-time business to generate income?
These questions could help free up your time, seek opportunity to advance your career or start a business.

Five: Coffee time (or Slique Tea time for me) and making money
There is a verse in the Bible that says money is the answer to everything. In this tough economy with companies’ cut backs and rising fuel and food prices, families are finding it hard to survive.

Coffee time with your friends and family at the café could be a time for chatting and making money. What’s worse than having no money to pay your bills?

We know most families’ financial situations will be different even with an extra $200 in their pockets every month. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with your friends over coffee about the need to make more money. They may have a great opportunity for you. Or they may need the business or work opportunities you have.

Just last month, I met a friend who had just started a home-based business with another company. I was assuming she was too busy to look for a home-based business. I was wrong…I did not help her out. Someone did.

Questions to ask:
Who could I have coffee with and help?
What opportunities do I have that someone may need?
Is there someone I can bless today without expecting anything in return?
These questions will help us focus the needs around us. It is not about us. Who could I help with my talents, business or time?

The economy and the way we do business have changed. Everywhere you turn, in stores, magazines or TV, we see the displays of websites, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Everyone has a smartphone or some type of cell phone and are texting away. No one seems to be picking up the phone when we call.

The job scene is changing too and new skill sets are required. But there are two things that never change. They are communication skills and people skills.

What can you do now?

I’ve been in business for over 13 years and have grown my business when I was single, married and now a mom. I’ve juggled with work, family and life…it’s all worth it helping others and working with a plan. I have a passion to help more people feel better and make more money.

I recently had to make some tough decisions to let a part of my business go so I could be home more, have more freedom in my time, and actually make more money. It was a hard leap to make but I know I am not the only mom who has thought about changing their work situation. 

In the month of May, I am going to help 20 individuals on my team grow or start their part time home business helping families save money and get healthier. We have over 13 established members who have said YES that they want to have more fun in business, be a part of a TEAM, work together to help those who are struggling with their health and need to reduce their expenses with a simple proven system. 

Whether you want to work your business online through social media and blogging, or you want to work off line there is a simple system that can work for you.  

Tuesday April 24th at 9pm EST we will be sharing about the May Business Plan 1 + 1. If you are ready to make a change, increase your cash flow, reduce your debt, help many people, and work with a fun and excited team then join us to learn more and see if the Young Living Business 1 + 1 is right for you. 

Title: Young living Business 1 + 1

Time: Tuesday, April 24th at 9:00pm Eastern

Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

Event password: oneplusone

To attend, visit this link

Phone Number: (203) 347-3041
Pin Code: 700454#

Let’s help change someone’s economy, health and total wellness together.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Earth Day Video Blog

By | Total Wellness | 2 Comments

Sunday April 22, 2012 is Earth Day. On Earth Day, Washington D.C. Monument will have tens of thousands of people from all over the US to show their support for the environment. Now I am not an over the top environmentalist. In fact, there are some comforts I am not willing to sacrifice (like a warm house and my daily shower) but I do know there are things I am willing to do to do my part to take care of the Earth.  

Today's Video Blog shares simple things we all can do to give our EARTH A HELPING HAND!  

Earth Day Video from the Total Wellness Doc from Mary Starr Carter on Vimeo.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Obesity is Killing Us and Our Babies

By | Total Wellness Mom, Weight Loss | 4 Comments

I have recently had an eye awakening experience about fat in our bodies that I would like to share. This isn’t to scare you, shame you, or make you feel bad, but it is to inform you, help you, and motivate you to take action against this sneaky and harmful thing.

The Stats

More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese. In 2009, 61% of Americans were obese or overweight. How do we know if we are overweight?

One way to calculate is to measure your waistline. Take a tape measure and measure around your waist at the top of the hipbone. Women who have a measurement of 35 inches or greater and men with 40 inches or greater will be told to lose weight by their physician.

You can also calculate Body Mass Index by using the calculator.

For example, I currently weigh 165 pounds and am 5 feet 4 inches tall so my BMI is 28.3 and ranks me as overweight.  If I gain 10 pounds and weigh 175 I will be classified as obese. WOW! Just 3 months ago I was obese. In fact, 3 months ago a trainer measured my body fat at 40% YIKES.

Why is high Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference a problem for you and me? For most of us, unless we are a super athlete or body builder, that means we have too much fat on our bodies. And too much fat causes a lot of problems.


In 2011 I had two miscarriages. Recently one of my specialty docs discovered extra estrogen in my body which could be contributing to my miscarriages.  Interestingly FAT CELLS produce estrogen.  When infertility rates grow higher and higher, the more FAT is stored on your body.


Fat Cells also cause increased cell growth and all of that increases our chances of getting cancer. In fact, having excess fat increases your risk of getting over 8 different cancers including colon, liver, kidney, pancreas, endometrial, postmenopausal breast cancer, adenocarcinoma, and esophageal cancers.

Inflammation (the beginning of all disease)

Gary Young, a pioneer in Natural Health says inflammation is the beginning of all Dis-ease. Let’s think about this. Heart Disease is caused by inflammation, and so is Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, OsteoArthritis, Allergies, Asthma, and most anything that has pain has a component of inflammation.

High Blood Pressure

Obesity increases the risk of High Blood Pressure and aside from the risk of Stroke, there is also a huge risk for your poor kidneys.


Fat cells increase insulin resistance and the more fat cells on your body, the higher your risk of diabetes. In fact, my personal opinion is everyone who is obese and doesn’t use preventative nutrition will eventually get Type II diabetes.

Our Children

Just 2 weeks ago I went walking with my son on a sunny day and we stopped in the park. There was a small group of children and their teachers playing. One of the little boys maybe 8 years old was probably close to 180-200 pounds. His weight made it very difficult for him to move or play. I thought to myself how does this happen, but as I was walking home 4 blocks, I passed 4 fast food places and a convenient store. I saw the answer.

Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents ages 2-19 years are obese. So we can probably estimate that about 40% of children are overweight and or obese.  Sadly what this really means is statistically we are going to see rising rates of our children with disease and we will see more and more children’s deaths before their parents.  I don’t know about you, but I want to see my son get married and have healthy children. I don’t want a life of hospital visits, medicines and surgeries for my children.

Where do we start? 
First determine where you are at. Use the above calculators and waist circumference measurements to determine where you are at.  Write that down and stick it to the refrigerator and pantry doors.  Now determine where your children are at using this calculator.

Now take the next step to be the example for your family. 

We start to be the example for our children and grandchildren. We eat and we eat healthy. We exercise daily. We drink water instead of sugary carbonated drinks. We take whole food nutritional supplements and meal replacements to support our nutrition and health. And we get the support we need to stay on track with programs like The Total Wellness Slique Experience.

I had a wake up call at 37. My parents are obese, my husband is overweight, and the healthiest people I know are my 90 year old aunt and 87 year old grandmother who eat healthy whole foods, exercise or stay actively moving everyday, and supplement their diet with Young Living’s NingXia Red and Omega Blues. They have lived all these years without disease and today you can find them at the gym, out dancing, or enjoying their family and great grandchildren. (read more about them in this article)

Do you want to enjoy your life until the very end? Or do you want to spend the last years of your life in and out of the hospital, receiving kidney dialysis, not being able to enjoy the things and the people you love?

I hope you will make the next step towards health. I hope you will start with you and be an example for your family and friends. I am on your side and I struggle to lose weight and stay fit too. It’s not going to be easy but I can guarantee it will be worth it!

Come join our Slique Experience and get support to get on and stay on track.

My update: Today through 2 months of exercise, diet and the Slique Total Wellness program I have released 6 pounds and 15% body fat.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

The History and Celebrations of Easter Around the World

By | Total Wellness | 3 Comments

Beyond Easter bunnies, jellybeans, hot cross buns, colorful eggs, Peeps and egg hunting events for kids… why exactly do we celebrate Easter? Here in the United States children and adults are seen dressed in their Sunday best with new spring dresses and some with beautiful hats going as a family to church, followed by a special Easter Meal. Easter baskets are presented as gifts to each other.

There are many versions of its origin and everyone in the world celebrates this special day differently.

Celebrations Around the World

In the Philippines, the young and old are seen solemnly remembering their sins and some taking up the challenge of putting barbed wires as crowns on their heads and carrying a heavy cross, walking the streets suffering like Jesus. Some even attempt to be nailed on the cross on Good Friday, known as Penitensya to recreate what Jesus did over 2000 years ago.  Easter is celebrated for a week long from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

In the streets of Antigua, Guatemala, Good Friday is the peak of the celebration where andas or floats with statues of Jesus suffering and holding a cross or hung on the cross. Some statues are carried by hundreds of men clothed in purple robes. This celebration is called Semana Santa or Holy Week. Carpet of fresh flowers, fruits, pines and sawdust are put together by residents and adorned in front of their homes and street for the procession.

Here is a video from Pilot Guides on Easter Celebrations Around the World, particularly Antigua:

History of Easter

Easter is also called the moveable feast because it doesn’t fall on the same date every year. It is observed in Spring on the first Sunday following full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21.  So it is celebrated anywhere between March 22 and April 25 every year.

The word Easter is derived from Eostre, a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. The exact derivation of the word Easter is unknown. According to History.com, the Latin term hebdomada alba or white week, is an ancient reference to Easter week where people wear white clothing and get baptized during this time. There was a translation error and which appeared as esostarum in Old High German and eventually translated to Easter in English.

Is it a pagan or Christian celebration?

In the festival of Eostre, rabbit are a symbol of the goddess. I learned somewhere that Christians combined elements of the festival of Eostre to help convert and baptize pagans to Christianity.  I don’t know if that is true or not. To the Spanish, Easter is Pascua and the French, Paques, derived from the Greek and Latin word Pascha or Pasch, which is Passover.

Church bells throughout France are silenced on Holy Thursday also known as Maundy Thursday, the night before Good Friday, since the 12th century to recognize Jesus’ death. The Easter bells, les cloches de Paques, flew to Rome to bring back Easter eggs. The bells ring all year the few days before Easter Sunday.

When the church bells ring, the celebration starts with Easter eggs, treats and chocolates of all sorts. Imagine, there is at least one church bell in each town or village that chimes all year. What joy it brings on Easter Sunday, when it chimes again with goodies after a few days of silence. The bells bring back goodies to France from Rome. Children go egg hunting and celebrate Easter with Grandma with a traditional Easter lunch of dishes made out of eggs and lamb.

Most countries celebrate Easter from Lent to Easter Sunday, which is about 40 days. Christians around the world take this time for reflection, fasting, praying and observing it like the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness.

Places like New Orleans, United States and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil celebrate Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday where sinful activities, fireworks, parades, food, parties and masked and beautiful costumes are worn in celebration of the day before solemnness and fasting begins the next day.

To many Christians in the Western World, Easter is a time of celebration where Jesus resurrected from the dead. It is an important day to remember there is hope after pain; there is life after death…a time to usher in the new and let go of the old.

Here are some Easter quotes to ponder as you celebrate with your loved ones:

Alice Freeman Palmer: For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: 'Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees
Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.

Robert Flatt: The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. 

Let’s celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The One and Only Son of God that conquers death and bring hope to all who believes and have faith to move forward with His plan for you and I.

The Total Wellness Doc and Mom and Team would like to wish you a Happy Easter and a time for new beginnings and healthier living. Please join our growing community of moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas on our Facebook Page… making a difference in our own life in Total Wellness of Body, Mind and Soul.

Happy Easter.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

A Total Wellness Journey

By | Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching | 3 Comments

At the beginning of the year, I developed a burning desire to regain my health. At the same time, Young Living Essential Oils launched its new weight loss program. It’s a great program with top quality nutritional supplements and it’s easy to do and effective. But from coaching overweight clients for the past 10 years, I quickly realized that it was not enough to just take this supplement, drink this drink, replace this food, and poof you will lose weight and KEEP IT OFF. I knew the secrets to lasting weight loss went much deeper than that.

Many women will struggle for years with excess weight because of stress, hormone imbalance, food allergies, inflammation and lack of sleep. Others will not be able to lose weight until they cleanse the body of toxins. And some people will not be able to release weight because of deep seated issues of fear, past trauma, beliefs, self worth, emotional and spiritual depression.

But who really talks about this in a weight loss program? No one! But I knew it was time to bring all this into play for a TOTAL WELLNESS weight release program. So I did. 

With the experience of working with hundreds of overweight individuals, including my own weight struggles, I put together a STEP BY STEP process to get RESULTS for lasting Weight RELEASE… (Who wants to lose weight when we LOSE something we always find again?) We added a Virtual Coaching and Support environment that helps us learn from each other, share successes and failures, laugh, learn and have fun while we go through the process. 

So I wanted to share some of the client’s stories with you. And I think you will see the Total Wellness Slique Program is more than losing weight.

Body Benefits: 

2 months ago I only had 1 pair a jeans in my closet that fit, now I have 4 pairs.  WAHOOO! -MC

My "cravings" for food have gone by the wayside and along with exercise I have managed to lose 26 lbs! Dropped 2 pants sizes! I haven't been this thin in years! -LG, 3 months weight release

I want to share that last night we had spaghetti with whole wheat pasta. In the past I would have had seconds, but last night, I was "excited" to just have a small serving. I FEEL different, my mind feels satisfied when I eat these smaller portions all day long. Call me James Brown…… I feel good!!!!! -NP

My doc tests says my body fat is reduced, my muscle mass has increased, and my hydration has improved! Yehhh  -KS

I released 4lbs the first week, and 2 have found their way back!  However, I can see the difference in my clothes and my face. Friends who hadn’t seen me in a little while said wow have you lost weight.  Oh and I am in my size 8’s again. So my scale can say whatever it likes!  I’m sure it’s muscle gain which is awesome. AK
As a previous Power loser (I have lost 100lbs 2 times and 50 lbs 7 times)  I liked seeing big numbers on the scale.  I can tell you… that NEVER worked for me longer than 6 months and I would gain all that weight and more back.  Now I am “releasing” 1-2 lbs a week and some weeks none.  I am FINE with that.  I will maintain the program no matter what and I will SUCCEED. –DT 

Other Health Benefits:

I just have to say…. I FEEL different. 4 days on slique program and my gut feels different. I think it's happy! It's not stuffed or sore and it doesn't feel as big. And it's movin' just fine! I think I'm taller too. I think I have a pep in my step. Just had to share. -NP

Sleeping like a baby! This is big for me as I was one of those people that would wake up 3 to 4 times a night.  I feel so rested! -DC

The program has helped me see what I am sensitive to and what to stay away from.  My stomach and body are feeling a lot better. -SB

I feel the difference. My energy is way up. -VW

Emotional Spiritual Benefits:

I am happier than I have been in years. -MC

I am overcoming the hurdles of what have held me back in the past from getting healthy; like what other people think of me. -TC

Just read Slique Experience- Day 22 email. Awesome! Release is a such a powerful word. I am a woman of multiple life traumas. As I let the God of my understanding further into my life, the results have been, full on release. I release a trauma, and I release weight. I have had a habit of compartmentalizing what I give to God. I understand today, I can give it all to him. As this awareness has grown in me, my life has become truly and wholly blessed!  -AK

I am so happy for the clients who are participating in this Total Wellness Program. If you have been on the fence about getting rid of your extra weight, getting healthy, and overcoming what has been holding you back I hope you will consider joining us. I would love to serve you. As for me I will continue this Journey as a supportive friend, Virtual Coach, and team mate on the Slique Total Wellness Experience.
Thank you, Dr. Mary, for giving me the push I needed to get healthy!! -LG

The emails and the videos are really helping motivate me and giving me ideas of things I can do to get healthier. -TC

Will you join us for the Total Wellness Slique Experience?

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

The Clothes We Wear

By | Total Wellness, Total Wellness Mom | 4 Comments

Being pregnant three times these past few years has caused me to expand and contract several sizes. I have been blessed to have an assortment of friends donate jeans and clothes to fit my various sizes.

I have tubs of clothes ranging in sizes from size 16 down to size 8. I have organized them in the approximate weight I am at those sizes. Right now I have about 5 pounds to fit into all the 11 to 12 sizes, 15 pounds to release to get to the size 10’s and I am thinking 25 pounds to see size 8.

I started to use more recycled clothes when I learned the following facts:

The textile industry is the third most polluting industry of our globe.

More than 2000 chemicals are used in the textile industry.

90 percent of clothes are imported…. And many of those imports come from China.

Textile mills, specifically in China, are releasing wastewater (water used to bleach, rinse chemicals and dyes) back into the rivers, lakes and streams. Proven pollution has or is happening locally and globally.

Huge amounts of water and pesticides are needed to grow cotton.

Making new clothing is not only polluting our globe it is polluting us. When I go into a department store to shop for clothes I notice something every time… my cheeks get red, my throat gets dry and I get a slight headache after about 30 minutes of trying on clothes. Why?

Residues of chemicals even toxic chemicals can be found in new clothing. These chemicals can cause rashes and other reactions in adults but can be especially harmful to babies.

A Green Peace sponsored research called “Dirty Laundry”, found hormone disrupting chemical residues in new clothing of over 6 different major brand name clothing and shoe companies.

The mark up of most department store clothing is 100%.

We throw away about 68 pounds of clothing and cloth products a year.

Are you shocked too? I know and we all love those Macy’s coupons. I am not saying never buy anything new but maybe try a few tips to help you get a new wardrobe with less of an impact on our environment and less toxic effects to your health.

When you are done with your clothes, donate them to Goodwill or a community donation box that sends the clothes to poor communities overseas.
Use your used clothing to make something new. My friends make SMITTENS. They are old sweaters turned into mittens. You can search online for other ideas like sweaters into winter hats, etc.

Have a Frock Swap. This is a fun party to have with all your friends. Each person invited brings decent clothing that no longer fits them or they are ready to let go of. Maybe up to 10 items. The hostess lays it all out with areas for trying on clothes. The guests get as many tickets as outfits they brought to swap and you can take home that many “new used” clothes.

Sell your clothes on Craig’s List or other online spaces.

Shop consignment and second hand stores. More and more classy nice second hand stores are becoming available everywhere. If you are looking for something specific talk to the store’s buyers and have them on the look out for you.

Purchase your young children’s clothes used at garage sales, Craig’s List or from a friend whose kids are older. (At one garage sale I spent $125 and had clothes for my 3 month old until he was 3 years old.)

Buy organic cotton fabrics or textiles made from sustainable cotton, bamboo, or hemp.

When you do buy new, buy just what you need or really want. And always wash your clothes thoroughly before wearing them. You may even want to air them out first and then wash them.

Remember, every little thing counts. Using your socks with holes in them for dust rags or even getting out and exercising so you can get back into your pre-winter weight clothes and not having to buy new ones impacts our world for the better!

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We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Am I A Bad Mom?

By | Total Wellness Mom | One Comment

I admit I was a bit torn about going to a special conference at the end of the month. I was torn because it would be my son’s second birthday and a part of me wanted to make it special for him…I thought…or was it because that’s what good moms do? They bake cakes, have parties and celebrate their kid’s birthdays on their birthdays.

And then I thought a little more about the first time I left him to attend a conference. He was 8 months old and I invested over $2000 (I mean my credit card invested) to attend a Mastermind training with a world renowned business expert. That investment has paid me back 10 times my investment and it is still growing every month. That investment I made now pays for my son’s development training with a childcare specialist with 40 years experience who helps train parents and teaches kids in fun interactive ways.

I believe after God and my marriage, my kids are my next priority. But I learned that caring for them is not enough.  In fact, I learned that although I will never be a perfect parent that my job was to continue to learn and grow from other successful parents with my values.  My job is to be a better person and be an example for my child.  Henry Blackaby stated, “I never want anything in my life to hinder my children” and I so get that statement.  Our fears, our un-forgiveness’s, and our lack of knowledge can directly affect our children.

It’s time to step up to the plate whether you are a new parent like me, single with no kids, or a grandparent. We must continue to grow and learn and improve ourselves.  And yes, that will take some investing of your time and money. But the reward will be phenomenal.

I know you are probably saying but I tried that and it didn’t work.  They just took me for my money and didn’t help me. Stop playing the victim. Accept responsibility. You might have not done your research, learned about the mentorship you needed, or just made a mistake.  Don’t let that hold you back from moving forward.

It’s never too late to be a better parent or person.  This is the special conference I was going to attend at the end of the month.  The Divine Call of God on Business. I am really excited because I know this isn’t just going to change my business, it’s going to change me.

Will it be a sacrifice to be away from my family? YES of course. But I am willing to make those sacrifices for my family and myself.

I love being a mom. I love being a business owner.  I love being the Total Wellness Doc and Mom but to stay in love with all of that, I have to invest in my own personal and professional growth.

So won’t you join me? Make a commitment to invest in yourself and your family today.  Tell us what you did on our new Facebook page.

And if you would like to learn more about my Mompreneur Business mentor Sandi Krakowski, this is a great article she wrote.

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Do You Give Yourself Grace?

By | Dr Mary Starr, Total Health Support Systems, Total Wellness, Wellness Coaching | 9 Comments

Grace can be defined as a virtue coming from God, a merciful or compassionate nature, an act of kindness, courtesy or clemency, and an exemption. Let’s really think about these definitions…

The other day my girlfriend Chasity called me to share her disappointments in herself. She is a mom of 2 children less than 3 years old and a very big dog. She has a loving and supportive husband with a demanding job that allows him to be at home on the weekends. Chasity has a seasonal job too that currently has her working from 3pm to 11pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

She called to say she was disappointed in herself because she wasn’t losing more weight, she was late to exercise classes and that she wasn’t contributing more money to the family.

As I listened to her I just heard a woman beating herself up and not giving herself grace.

GRACE in the seasons of life

There are definitely seasons in our lives that we may need to give ourselves grace. Seasons when our family will require more attention than when they are older. Seasons after surgery or during an illness when we have to slow down and require less of ourselves. Seasons when we are attempting new things like going back to school after a long time that we will need more GRACE.

Because Chasity was born with some amazing gifts to get done in one day what most of us get done in a week, she still feels that she can accomplish those same things with 2 kids. Maybe she can…but it is important to give ourselves GRACE when we don’t meet our expectations.

GRACE to our bodies

Chasity doesn’t understand why she isn’t losing more weight but she is still nursing her baby. The body needs extra stored body fat when nursing. Although initially the “baby” weight will come off more quick for nursing moms, they will maintain about 10-15 pounds extra naturally.

When I work with obese women, many times they are very discouraged that they have not released any significant weight or that they have gained weight. We must give our bodies GRACE. The keys to releasing weight if you are obese can be found in our Total Wellness Slique Experience Virtual Coaching program. But in a nutshell, we address that women with a high percentage of body fat have a very low metabolism. They will need to spend 1 to 6 months re-training the body’s metabolism through healthy eating and exercise. This is also why many women plateau at 30 pounds or even 50 pounds.

We must give our bodies’ GRACE. This also includes when we start to exercise after a long break in real exercise. Give your body small steps towards physical fitness. This isn’t the Biggest Loser so let’s make sure we slowly build up. 5 minutes the first day, 10 minutes the next, and so on until we can maintain 40 minutes of continuous aerobic activity. The same thing applies when we start to strength train from no weights then light weights then heavier weights. I always recommend working with a professional to get you started exercising the right way.

Be kind with your words

Have you ever been with a friend who is always referring to himself or herself as large, overweight, or stupid? Think about it. Maybe you say those things. It’s true we can, without even thinking, be meaner to ourselves than we would ever think about saying to anyone else. We lack compassion and kindness towards ourselves. And ultimately, self love.

Start today even if you are not happy with yourself. Don’t speak it. Say positive words over yourself. Tell your body it is beautiful even if you don’t think it yet. The “Power of your Tongue” to actually bring things into being is amazing. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down.

Grace to others

My husband is an expert gunsman (if that is a word).  He received awards when in the Navy for his pistol and rifle shooting. As you can guess, he really likes gun shows.  So the other night he was watching this show called Top Shot and I sat down to watch it with him.

It was the season finale and his favorite Southerner contestant Chris Reed was still in the running. We were on our seat with suspense when the arrogant young man, George, does something no one ever expected. He throws the competition so his now friend Chris Reed can compete for the final prize of 100,000 dollars. George gave up his chances at winning because his friend Chris needed the money. Chris had been in an awful motor vehicle accident that nearly took his life. Today with kids at home, he wanted to earn that money for his kids’ education as well as the recognition and achievement of being Top Shot. Chris went on to winning the Top Shot and the $100,000 and the tears rolled down my face. I didn’t expect to see such an example of GRACE on a reality TV show.

Everyday we have the opportunity to be a George and step down so someone else can step up. That is, to be kind and merciful towards others. To forgive someone, ourselves and just let go of the past.

How about you? Will you show yourself and someone else GRACE today?

If you want to share your story of Grace, comment below. 

We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.

Bra… Friend or Foe

By | cancer, Total Wellness | 7 Comments

Bra…  Friend or Foe
By:  Pamela Howard, DC, CCT

Every morning, women get up and put on their bra; it’s part of our daily routine.  Since breasts have become “fashion accessories”, we must make sure they take their rightful place. But what if your bra was harming your health, would you forsake it?

Syndy Ross Singer & Soma Grismaijer are two researchers bold enough to study the effects of bras on women’s health and wrote a book on it, Dressed to Kill; The link Between Breast Cancer and Bras and their follow up book, Get it Off! Understanding The Cause of … Breast Pain, Cysts and Cancer, despite threats with a lawsuit by the Intimate Apparel Council (trade association in the US for the multi-billion dollar bra industry).  Singer & Grismaijer found it interesting that the cancer industry has never looked at bras and breast constriction as a possible cause of breast cancer. They concluded that with a medical industry that earns $10,000,000,000 annually on treatments for breast cancer, getting rid of bras would cost the medical industry billions.

Surrounding our breasts is the greatest number of lymph vessels and nodes. When the breast region is constricted by a bra, the lymph system cannot flow freely. This causes a buildup of fluid, less effective feeding and cleansing of the tissue, an increase in accumulated toxins and restriction of lymphocytes which destroy abnormal cells.  In addition, the petrochemicals in bra materials can leach out of the fabric and into the skin, causing loss of breast skin color and dermatitis.  Dr. Irmgard Keeler-Howard of Houghton College states that chemicals that comprise elastic may be cancer causing.

Consider Singer & Grismaijer’s findings:

o  Women wearing bras 24 hours per day were 125 times more likely (3 out of 4 chance) to developing breast cancer
o  Women wearing bras more than 12 hours per day, but not to bed, had a 1 out of 7 risk
o  Women wearing bras less than 12 hours per day had a 1 out of 152 risk
o  Women who rarely or never wore bras had a 1 out of 168 change of breast cancer
o  Wearing a bra at least 14 hours a day tends to increase the hormone prolactin, which decreases circulation to the breast tissue.
o  Professional women have higher than average BC incidence rates than rural women who wear their bras less often
o  80% of bra wearers who experience lumps, cysts, and tenderness saw their symptoms vanish, within a month of getting rid of their bra
o  In 1997 Singer compared a group of women in Fiji – half of the women wore bras and the other half went without.  The diet, environment and lifestyle of both groups were the same.  Those who wore bras had the same rate of breast cancer as women in the US.  Those who went braless experienced practically no breast cancer.

Bras are not the first item of clothing to be called on the carpet for potential health issues. Over the centuries, various items of clothing which chronically constricted a region of the body have come under fire.

Asian cultures bound women’s feet in the name of fashion, creating irreversible deformed and dysfunctional feet.  Tightly laced corsets from the 1700-1900’s contributed to an enlarged left heart ventricle as well as congestion of the brain, liver and kidneys.  Neckties have been linked with reduced blood circulation to the brain, shoes causing corns; Tight Pants Syndrome may be the cause of unexplained stomach cramps, and chest pain and heartburn.

In addition, tight belts restricting lymphatic flow to the groin region may be linked with increases in colon cancer. This, incidentally, occurs most frequently below the belt region in the sigmoid colon and rectum. Also, men’s tight briefs reducing sperm count, and repeated trauma from eye glasses have been linked with skin cancer on the bridge of the nose.  I think you are getting the idea, constrictive clothing may not be the direct cause of our health issues but it certainly creates an environment conducive to ill health.

It’s time we consider health over fashion and demand new fashion trends featuring healthy breasts…  au natural!  Enhance lymph flow with gentle lymph massage, moving them from the nipple outwards, mostly toward the armpit.  Stimulate lymph flow by dry brushing, rebounding on a mini trampoline or bouncing on a gym ball while moving the arms.  If you must wear a bra, consider bras made from natural fabrics and avoid padded, push-up, sports, strapless, underwire and tight/ill fitting bras which contribute to breast compression as well as bras resembling body armor which may heat up breasts to unnatural temperatures.

Dr. Pamela Howard, DC, Certified Clinical Thermographer; founded Advanced Thermal Imaging in 2005 to provide a safe, non-invasive means of detecting health concerns utilizing Thermography throughout Central PA & Upstate NY. Visit her website to learn more at www.athermalimage.com


Would you like to learn about Young Living Essential oils that have been found to help breast health and even inhibit cancer growth? We are here to serve you so let us know if these topics are important to you.

Myths About Marriage That Keep You Single and How To Avoid Them

By | Total Wellness, Wellness Coaching | 2 Comments

Myths About Marriage That Keep You Single and How To Avoid Them
By Aesha Adams-Roberts

I talk with men and women on a daily basis about life and love. And one of the most common points that comes up with all of them have to do with their beliefs about love, marriage, and the opposite sex.

For example, right before Christmas I had my 5th dentist appointment (yeah, I know) and I asked two very attractive, professional single women about their love lives. They willingly shared all the juicy details with me.  One, a dental hygienist, told me she had met the love of her life on Myspace a few years ago, and he wants to marry her. In fact, he asked her what would she think if he bought her an engagement ring for Christmas. Her answer: “Why are we talking about this?!”  When I probed her for more information, she told me she is scared to get married because all of the marriages in her immediate family ended in (an ugly) divorce, and she was certain that it would happen to her too.  The dental associate who was working on my teeth at the time said she hoped one day love would find her. “Are you dating,” I asked? “No,” she replied, “I just don’t go out enough. But it’ll happen for me one day–maybe.”

The beliefs these two women had about themselves and about marriage shaped the actions they did–or didn’t–take. One was sabotaging her chances for marriage, the other was passively waiting for it to happen.

The beliefs a woman has about herself, love, marriage, relationships, and the opposite sex is often the greatest hindrance to her meeting and marrying the man of their dreams, more than any other factor I’ve observed so far–age, race, weight, economic status.

Our beliefs are powerful because they shape our actions.  Some of the ways beliefs are formed are through the ways we’re groomed by our parents (whether they were married or divorced or single), our friends, our communities, the media, and our culture. We have the power to say “yes, I believe that” or “no, I don’t believe that” to these influences, but if we’ve experienced something that confirms what any of these sources say, it is often a challenge to believe anything else.

For example, many people believe that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. We’ve heard “experts” quote it as an undisputed fact and we may have even seen divorce happen again and again with our families and friends.

However, a 2005 article in the New York Times by Dan Hurley revealed that this supposedly fact-based belief is not accurate. In reality, 3 out of 5 marriages last until “death do us part!”

Question: What would happen if we collectively started believing that most marriages thrive instead of die?

Another commonly held belief I’ve heard over and over from single women, is that men should always make the first move when it comes to dating. These women are waiting for their Knight in Shining Armor to appear, sweep them off their feet, and ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after.

However, when I asked my Facebook followers what they thought about the belief that men should always make the first move, surprisingly, all of the women said “Yes, they should!” Their rationale was that a man isn’t a “real man” if he doesn’t approach them, that he doesn’t have backbone, and that if he doesn’t pursue a woman, he doesn’t recognize her value and will eventually want the woman to take the lead on everything.

However, most of the men said, “No!”  One man in particular said, “As the saying goes, “a closed mouth doesn’t get fed.” Also, I see a woman that makes the first move as confident. Confidence is attractive. (Very)”

Another man’s comment revealed the pressures most men feel when it comes to approaching a woman:

“Let’s see…men run the risk of getting flat out rejected, denied, charged with assault or harassment, called perverted names if signs were misread, slapped, or beat up when making the first move. Ladies at worst, may only face a polite decline. Who should make the first move? The one with the least to lose.”

The men’s comments flew in the face of traditional beliefs about men’s and women’s roles in dating.  But more surprising to me was how the women felt the need to defend their positions on why men should always approach a woman.  Instead of taking note that attractive, single men were telling them on Facebook (for all the world to see) that they don’t mind if a woman takes initiative and shows she is interested in man, my single sisters held on tight to their beliefs that a man should always take the first move.
So, what’s a sister to do?

If you want to know if your beliefs may be keeping you from the marriage of your dreams, I suggest you spend some time journaling and reflecting. Actually write down the beliefs you have about yourself, about what it means to be in love, about what men should and shouldn’t do, and ask yourself: where did these beliefs come from? Did they come from your family? your religious beliefs? Your culture? Ask yourself:  Do I really believe this? Why?

Remember, you have the power to choose your beliefs. Choose wisely because they may be the only thing between you and the man of your dreams!

Aesha Adams-Roberts, PhD is an author, speaker, and dating and relationship expert. After years of making painful dating mistakes, Aesha finally learned what it takes to find the man of one’s dreams. She married hers after just 11 months. Using the time‐tested principles she discovered, she founded AeshaOnline.com, a site designed to help women not just meet, date and marry the man of their dreams, but figure out why they have been unsuccessful in the past. AeshaOnline.com is today’s go‐to site for people who want to know the secrets to happy relationships from dating into marriage, parenting and beyond.



Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.

Discover Your Own Value

By | Total Wellness, Total Wellness Mom, Wellness Coaching | 3 Comments

Discover Your Own Value

By: Angela Brooks

“You deserve mean children” … “Your ornery and always will be” …  “Your just like them”

As I reflect back in my early days. I still hear words that were spoken over me…not once…but for years. Why would I not believe them they loved me right? and they knew me better than anyone, even myself. Cause how I could I know who I was as a kid growing up – I was being told who I was before I had permission to deny the words that were coming at me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not angry at the ones that spoke those words. I understand now they were trying to deal with their own mess in their journey …some of it just spilled out on my road and I stepped in the toxic waste. It stuck to my feet for many years because I did not know I could just wipe it off and be done with it. Instead…I carried it…into everything I did for the next 29 years.

I grew up in church where when someone asks for prayer it became the gossip of the church. Instead praying for guidance or healing of a situation it was judged. As I grew up I saw fewer people kneeling in public. It made me hold back from asking, not wanting to be the center of church attention. I just held it in – since those were church people and knew God – I sure did not want to ask God to help me because…well his opinion scared me.

I knew the bible had all the answers for my life and it said “You reap what you sow” and I had sowed some pretty bad seeds…so I figured I was getting what I deserved, and I needed to suck it up.

Living Life according to what I believed

At the tender age of 16 I knew it all. I got married and moved to another country….not another state. I lived in a duplex that had rats the size of cats that lived in the garage (I am not kidding).

I did not lay eyes on another family member for two and half years. My mother came to visit once for 30 days after the first year. My youngest friend back then was 30 years old. I hung out with people who were past the silly thoughts I was having at 16 – so I tried to be like them. Grown up – drinking and partying to fit in. I hung with the best of them. I got in two fist fights, one with military women and almost got deported from the country – punched a man in the face when he put his drunken hands on me – then told his wife.

I never felt like I fit in. I wanted to be more than broke, and broke is what I was. Since I had never bought groceries for myself much less a house hold – I had no idea how to look for bargains and make the best of having little. I was allowed to spent $80 on household and food every 2 weeks. Most of the time my refrigerator had crackers and peanut butter. I ate the left-overs at the day care center I was working for, I only worked 15 hours a week. The other 153 hours a week I got hungry often. I was thin, very thin.

At 18 – I lived in the south, in house that had cock-roaches, (I hate those things) around more strangers trying to find my way. They did not know me and I didn’t either. Inside of me, I knew I wanted more – I just did not know what it was. I had mentioned once out loud that I wanted to work in business – I did not know what kind of business. I was driven in that direction but after being told to get a real job and not waste my time. I did. I was like them in the rat race. Stuffing my dream deeper in my pocket.

My Belief was showing up

At 20 I wanted children – but was told I was too young and what did I know about raising a kid – I could not take care of myself. The baby that I miscarried was never mentioned again – it was not talked about – I was not allowed to talk about it or to cry over it. It was over. Move on. Be tuff. Grow the hell up.

Sowing more seeds

At 21 1/2 years old – I was divorced after 6 years of whatever that was called, a marriage or a cage. I was angry at the world and it was not going to get in my way! I spewed whatever I wanted to whoever I wanted and could care less if it hurt your feeling. Grow the hell up and get over it.

I ran head first into another relationship that poured more acid on the toxic waste that was on my shoes. Walking down a path that brewed more anger.

This sums up my worldview at the time.

Full of spit and vinegar I was living out what people expected me to be. Mean, Ornery and like them. On the inside I knew I was not like them and that was not who I was. I had no idea how to change the pattern. I was right dead smack in the middle of a pit with no ladder – no hand held out to pull me up. Since I was so close to the ground I dropped to my knees and looked up. I said, “God – if you can hear me then I need you to help me this is not the life I want.” – something twinge but I had no idea it was God. I walked on.

Ending another dead end relationship, jumping right into another one, this time it almost  took my life. I fell head over heels in love with the devil himself. I knew with every part of my being I did not need to be around this man. He scared me – he excited me – but I could not leave. Everyone had already told me I was wrong again and I was going to get what I deserved – so I waited for it to show up. Family members stopped talking to me and would act like I was not in the room. Church felt like I was choking so I stopped going, my friends were his friends, my life was a freaking mess. Then it happened – he hid my one year old son from me for over 15 hours. I quickly understood how psychosis felt in my patients. I also understood how women who had shot their husbands did it with the blank mug shot face.

My son arrived home safe and I was scared and angry. I wanted out – but again felt I was in a pit that was deeper than before. This time I had been abandoned from all the males in my family. I called no one, I stayed until he hit me so hard in my left eye that he lifted me off the ground. I left shoe marks 5 feet up on the white wall in the hallway – I remember falling what seemed like forever, but I do not remember hitting the floor. I was floating in time. Everything stopped but yet it felt like it was in slow motion. I tried to get up and saw the huge puddle of blood on the white carpet of the brand new house. He rolled me over and our eyes met. There was hate – anger, actually I saw fire. I opened my mouth to scream and I don’t know if anything came out. All sound was gone, I could hear nothing, but I felt the tears roll down my cheeks and I rose off the floor with such power that I swore someone picked me up. The rage that came out was that of 10 horses – I screamed and I made a promise that I have never gone back on. With the whole left side of my face swollen down to the middle of my neck – I had whip lash and blood pouring out my nose. I felt no pain, I felt no feelings, I had something pushing me out the door so fast I did not realize I had my son wrapped around my hips like he was super glued. No one touched me – no one said a word. They moved out of my way. My ass was out of there.

I got home, walked into my bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. My face was black and purple, my shirt covered in blood, my son looked as if he was so scared he would never speak again. I looked at that young girl straight in the eye. “You will never live like this again, you will not look back, I have no idea where you are going but it is not here.” I dropped to my knees and said, “God I know you are here – and I need you and tonight I need you to show up. The peace that fell over me was like a cool breeze – I held my arms out and allowed him to love me in the mess I was in and the tears fell – buckets full.

I picked up the phone and called the ones that had stopped talking to me. Within 6 hours the biggest U-haul I had ever seen showed up, my driveway filled with people I did not know. Women came in my kitchen and began loading boxes faster than I had ever seen anyone pack. Not one person mentioned my face – someone took my son because I could not remember when he had been fed or had a drink.

I drove out the driveway broken, crushed, and lost.

Somehow I knew what just happened was going to be used later in my life for the good…somehow.

Visions lead people

I still had the passion for business in my gut. I ran into an old acquaintance and she had a bottle of product she was selling she told me how she was making money selling them to people. It was my first exposure to marketing a multi-leveling company. I was in! I had no clue how to make it work and neither did my friend, but I was drawn to it. I stayed with the company for several years – making MM’s and gas money.

At 25 – I began working out in the gym – which lead me to a new group of people who needed my product. They all bought it. I began pumping iron and dispensing the anger inside onto the dumbbells all 30lbs as I curled them with each arm. One…two…three….four…. My body began taking on a new shape that brought a new confidence in myself.  I went on to try out for the gladiators in Nashville – I was toned packed with muscles and full of attitude. I never once thought they could beat me. I smiled at my competitor who was twice my size and grinned. My mind was set – I would have one of those uniforms.

I pushed – I pulled – I darted – I jabbed. I made the 2nd string.

I could see myself on a stage and I just guessed it was the gladiators – I never got the chance to use my 2nd string position. I did not care – I made it.

My focus, drive and vision pushed me to the level I was able to compete. It was never about moving onto the next level. It was about filling the desire that was brewing inside. From there I focused on running a 10K Classic, I did not want to win it – I wanted to finish. Out of 1500 people I did – #84. Another goal met – I felt confidence rise again.

Strength was growing on the inside.

What I had learned from a very rocky path were the things that I focused on – I got. Even the rocky relationships – they were what I felt like I deserved at that time. I was filling my belief. It took lots of tears, a few more back slides, and determination to know I was designed for more and what I deserved was to be live wild and bold like my God had designed me to be. He gave me the courage to move forward and knock the dust off my feet from the journey that was behind me. It took 16 more years before I could see through the fogged life that I had lived. I am no longer angry; I actually have the courage to thank the people in my past for pushing me out of that life so I can be who I am.

At  16 – 18 – 20 – 25 and now 45

I had people who loved me and supported me my whole life – but I shut them out. As a brewing volcano I was not looking for the positive in my life. Today, I am blessed! I have two healthy children, a wonderful husband, a home filled with peace and love, a job, a business, I am a published author, and I am headed in the direction bigger than my minds- eye because I am focused with a business coach in place to lead me down a path she / and he has already paved. I am not walking in the dark but full on in the light that was provided.

As a business owner – learning how to generate my own leads, write my own copy, lead a team full of business minds, speaking into the lives of other nurses in a place I wanted out of, I know how you feel – as you can see – I was once there. I felt like I had nothing to offer anyone else – I was not good enough. I remember telling my best friend at the time “I am going to be a millionaire someday – even though I had no idea how I am going to do that”. She laughed and so did I – except deep inside my gut I believed me.

I knew I had to change

I was drawn to the internet in 1996 – but not very many people were online yet. It was drawing me like a magnet.

After working with a few companies online, before I found one that I could relate to, the business journey began. I followed people who were leading with the business model to talk to more people and follow up on the phone. To be honest, I sucked at it. I made very little money.

I hired a coach, Sandi Krakowski, in 2011 for a full year and learned the skill of life/business coaching (to coach myself and others; to learn how to truly “listen” and connect with people, and to myself).

After my first six months with that coach I was clear on what my core values were; I was mindful of how to apply what I had learned in my own life; so I could attract the outcomes I sought.

Once again for 2012, I have hired two coaches Sandi and PJ McClure to continue growing personally and coaching my business.
It takes time, and I have lots to learn. I apply everything she teaches me – even when it makes no sense to me – the results show up. I apply it again. My business grows, so does my confidence. In 8 months I replaced half of my nursing income.

As I sit on my couch looking out the front windows I can look out across an open 17 acre field – in the distance the dogs are barking and the day is coming to a close. In the distance, is the world that is waiting for me, the same world that I despised at one time. The same one that I thought had nothing to offer for me.

As I reflect on my life I now know that with every painful wrong turn there is something to learn. Someone is out there waiting on me to grow .

My journey began 29 years ago

As I consider all the people touched by my decision to contribute rather than complain, I’m moved beyond measure by the potential I know is inside each and every one of you.

Everyone has value, and it can be expanded when you get in touch with your true self.

Everyone has a story to tell.

Everyone has life lessons to share.

Everyone has skills that can be repackaged to make a greater contribution; to make more money; but more importantly, to connect yourself with the world more closely.

P.S: Please leave a comment below – I would love to hear from you.

IMG005823 Discover your own valueAngela Brooks is a mental health nurse educator who spent the last 22 years working in a state funded mental hospital. In ‘A Nurses Story’, she shares not only what her patients have taught her over the years, but what we can all learn from those we consider ‘at the  margins of society’. But it’s also a book about nursing, about nurses, and about how a nurse healed alongside her patients. Ultimately, “A Nurses Story” exposes a raw truth – that each of us, individually, can inspire self-worth and purpose in every life we touch, if only we choose to.

What are nurses really thinking? What causes them to be frustrated and want to quit nursing even when they love taking care of people? What makes nurses stay, even when it feels like everything is against them?  In ‘A Nurses Story’, you’ll discover the answer.  

The words in this book give voice to the millions of men and women who care for us and our loved ones every day in our most vulnerable times.  ‘A Nurses Story’ is their story.