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Benefits of Exercise

By Dr. Peggy Malone

Moving your body regularly is one of the best things that you can do for your health.  In previous posts, I have emphasized that the human body is a perfect motion machine.  It is designed to move; to run and jump and hunt and gather.  Our current modern day world has taken many of us away from the motion that our body needs.

Getting your body moving through a regular exercise program has more benefits than you think. 

Here are 43 of the advantages that a regular exercise program can bring to your health and wellness… 

1)   Reduced stress and tension

2)   Increased energy to manage your day to day routine

3)   Pain relief

4)   A stronger immune system: Exercise is a natural defence against colds and flu viruses.

5)   Increased good cholesterol (HDL-High Density Lipoprotein)

6)   Reduced depression

7)   Prevention of and reduced incidence of Low Back Pain

8 )   Blood Pressure levels that are improved and regulated

9)   Improved co-ordination and balance

10)      Decreased risk of stroke and heart disease

11)      Decreased risk of Type II Diabetes and more controlled blood sugar levels.

12)      Increase bone density and decreased risk of Osteoporosis

13)      Decreased risk of breast and colon cancers

14)      Improved respiratory function

15)      Increase mental alertness and focus

16)      Enhanced ability to relax and sleep

17)      Reduced triglyceride levels and gives the body the ability to more effectively burn fat

18)      Aid in alleviating varicose veins

19)      Decreased menstrual cramps

20)      Improvement in skin tone

21)      Enhanced sex life

22)      Increase in flexibility

23)      Improved joint health including increased range of motion

24)      Toned and firm muscles with more definition

25)      Increased strength and endurance

26)      Increased lean muscle mass (which begins to decline at an alarming rate of up to 2% a year after age 35)

27)      Increased athletic performance

28)      Decreased resting heart rate

29)      Enhanced heart function including higher cardiac output

30)      Increased speed of muscle contraction and reaction time

31)      Improved posture

32)      Weight loss, decrease in obesity

33)      Improved chances of keeping the weight off after you lose it

34)      Increased cravings for healthier foods

35)      Improved digestion

36)      Improved social interaction with exercise group

37)      The challenge and achievement of a goal

38)      Heightened self esteem and self image

39)      Reduced number of ‘sick’ days

40)      Reduced chance of a fatal heart attack

41)      Reduced risk of premature death

42)      Increased length of life

43)  Overall improvement of quality of life

It is never to late to experience the benefits of regular exercise.  Even if you are 85 or even 95, if you start a regular exercise program (under the guidance of a health care professional please) you can see massive benefits in many areas of your health and wellness and most importantly in your overall quality of life.

I’ve written in previous posts about the benefits of moving your body every day.  If you need another reminder as to why you should be exercising, I have just given you 43.  If you can add to the list, I would love it if you would comment below and give me your exercise benefit!

Get moving…..

Your body will thank you and your overall well-being will be improved as a result.

About the Writer:

Dr. Peggy Malone is a Chiropractor and an Athlete who helps other athletes to overcome injury and get back to their sport. She also inspires patients from all walks of life to take control of their health to be as happy and as healthy as they can be. It's simpler than you think to take control of your health.  My gift to you today is my free report: Top Ten Steps That Make a Difference


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  • debbie says:

    After years of being too sedentary, I knopw find it is quite painful tot try and increase exercise in my weight loss program. I have been trying to implement ways of walking more like parking farther from a store or making several trips when one could have been enough.

  • Lori says:

    I just need to find what is right for me to incorporate it into my life since I am starting at square one with exercise.  I am sure there is movement I can do that will not aggravate my plantar fasciitis and knees.

  • Mary Simmons says:

    I am going to be doing this for 30 days-already on day 7. Doing Dance Exercise on Netflix 3 days a week, Elecpital, and Walking in order to (1.   Increased energy to manage your day to day routine, 2. 
      Improved posture, 3. And Weight Release.

  • Randi says:

    I have chosen exercise as my 30 day challenge and have already done 5 days. I will be doing yoga 4 days a week. I am excited to see an increase in energy, flexibility, strenght, muscle tone and over all mood.

  • Ara says:

    One of my main issues is depression, and exercise always seem to be key in my shift with that. So I am committing to 30 days of movement. Walking and yoga are my favorites, so I will start with those!

  • Gretchen says:

    In another post, Dr. Malone suggested that even doing 10 minute segments of exercise a day to add up to 30 minutes is a good way to start. A coach once told me “you can do anything for 15 minutes.” So, I committed to start with 2 15-minute segments of stair stepping a day. Gradually worked up to doing 30+ minutes at the gym on a cycle and/or rowing machine. Thanks, Dr. Mary, for having Dr. Malone as a guest blogger — this really helped start me off on a good exercise regimen.

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