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Royal Baby Birth Is Cheaper Than An Average U.S. Birth

royal baby birth

What’s wrong with this picture? The Washington Post reported that the royal birth only cost $15,000 and the average American birth is billed at $30,000.

United States childbirth cost is one of the most expensive in the western world. Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to the royal baby boy at St. Mary’s Hospital for less than you and I if we were to give birth in many of the hospitals in America. What’s worse is our own prince or princess will not be treated like royalty and could just be a number in the newborn unit.

To top off the differences, the Duchess received royalty treatment in a private suite with gourmet food and comprehensive wine list including champagne for three days. Did your pregnancy and childbirth cost more than $15,000? Even if it cost $10,000 did you get royalty treatment or gourmet meals with wine selections in an average American hospital?

Recently I gave birth to my baby girl at home and not at the hospital. My own home birth with 2 RN midwives present and all my pregnancy care and follow up was $4000. Many would have second thoughts because in the last 30 years the popularity of hospital birth has taken over home birth because of many fears and myths. I chose home birth instead of the conventional hospital birth with excellent care from two qualified RN midwives. You have to do your own research and know your health conditions when making decisions about your type of childbirth.

It isn’t always expensive to give birth in America. The cost has increased rapidly in the last 30 years in hospital births. Many of my readers have voiced their opinions about the cost of childbirth in America.

Here are a few of them:

Childbirth about 30 years ago
Cheryl M:
In 1979 and 1980 mine was like $600 with a lay midwife. What is wrong? There is a book The Immaculate Deception. I read it and of course Ina May’s when I was pregnant.

Donna H:
28 years ago my daughter’s birth cost us $150.

Maryellen L.
In 1972 ours was $3000, and the doctor was not even there. We were in the labor room and called him in to cut the cord.

Home birth
Melissa B.
My birth at a birthing center with a certified midwife was around $2,800 and my oily (Young Living essential oils) birth kit should have cost around $340+ but because of my essential rewards points, I paid $11

Courtney S.
$4,000 was the most we ever paid out of all 5 home births and last time we got a 2 (twins) for 1 deal! Frugal & fertile insurance helped with 3 of our 5 back in the early days too. When I was 21 I wrote them a cost comparison letter and miraculously they approved it!

Sandra W.
When i had my home births-I had some of the best care that I’d ever had! Everything was preventative. They watched my growth, my ph balances, my keytones, my blood sugar, my hemoglobin, my diet. When I went the medical route, I would ask about all those things & they wouldn’t know anything because they wouldn’t check it!

AND there are going to be bad births anywhere. The hospital or home. I loved my home births. AND it was about a 1/3 of the cost to us.

In the United Kingdom’s hospitals most uncomplicated births and non high risk  births are being led by midwives with doctors on call. They manage all prenatal, birth and after birth care.

Some of my readers have this to say about the cost of childbirth and my opinion on the differences between royal birth and average American childbirth:

Ray L.
I just don’t understand the royals anyway. The Brits have a higher rate of homeless yet they are willing to spend multi-millions on supporting the royal family…DUH!!!! I can be royal, now and then.

Christin H.
15,000 or £15,000 (pounds)? The healthcare in England is free so how is the delivery cost calculated?

Jihan T.
Don’t get me started, Mary. Christin, I believe they used a private, non-covered wing of the hospital.

Jane R.
Where did you get your numbers from? I do not think that 30,000 is what CNY is. I don’t believe it is “greed” as much as it is our sue happy culture. As a neonatal NP, I only see the bad side of home births…when something goes wrong. Not everyone should have a home birth.

Dawn H
US spends more than ten other countries combined on healthcare but thanks second lowest in live expectancy!

I love how we all can have different opinions and view points and still honor each other. An astounding figure I found out was C Section births cost is around $50,000 billed out. The insurance companies in America are being billed ridiculous amounts by hospitals and doctors. Average Americans may have to pay the differences of what is not being paid by insurance even if they pay hefty sums monthly to insurance companies.

It all adds up!

Jamie P who is one of our readers said “which is exactly why i harassed our insurance company for a year and a half to shell out for a cheap homebirth!!!! and they did!”

AND Diana D. said “I had to have an emergency c-section and my preemie had a 5 week hospital NICU stay. Thank goodness our health insurance covered 100%.”

But for some who has pre-existing conditions like Candyce P
“There is NO way they would ever let me have a home birth. I am a type 1 diabetic with high blood pressure. Wish it could happen…BUT its just not possible for everyone during pregnancy.”

We can argue about the cost and types of childbirth all day long and would not get anywhere because we have choices and we are all different. We have to know our health conditions and our total wellness. Some of the most active and healthiest women I know had c-section hospital birth because of the size of the baby and their body type.

Childbirth is a personal thing. You have to know your body type and watch your diet and total wellness. The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ still holds true today. Are you investing into your health and total wellness (body, mind and spirit)?

Are you giving your body a royalty treatment?

Don’t abuse your body with bad diets, junk food and synthetic nutritional supplements.

Ashleigh G. said:
Our short life span is due to our diets, not the health care system. Monsanto, artificial food dyes, processed crap foods, McDonald’s, etc. You are what you eat.

The Duchess’ birthing room may have included a birthing pool, WiFi, newspapers, private staff and gourmet meals and paid less than average American childbirth, however you and I can do our own research, educate ourselves and prepare our body for our own ‘royalty’ childbirth.

Watch out for a series of my blog posts with Dr. Leanne Deardeuff on how to use essential oils and Young Living’s nutritional supplements for pre-natal care, childbirth and a healthy baby.

What is your opinion of the cost of childbirth in America? Let us know. Please comment below.


Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.

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