Like many of you I couldn’t sleep last night worrying about this storm and friends and family in it’s path. Every time my head hit the pillow I would dream about being near the Jersey shore (one of my favorite places) and trying to escape this storm. You can tell I watched a little bit too much news these past few days.
This horrible natural disaster reminds us that the storms of life will hit us all. Everyone will experience pain, loss, or disaster sometime in their life. It’s what we do with that loss that makes us or breaks us.
You may be someone that just lost their home, lost a child, lost a job, or has had a marriage end. Your heart may be full of pain, anger, hurt, resentment, frustration, and sadness. It may feel unbearable and like a deep abyss. But I am here to tell you, encourage you, and remind you that there is a Redeemer that will bring all that you lost back to you 100 fold. There is a Healer that can heal your broken heart, broken body and broken spirit. There is a Savior who will make all things new again, and bring peace where hate once lived.
I have seen hundreds of people RENEWED in the grace of Jesus Christ. I have witnessed bodies healed, hearts mended, relationships restored, $10,000 of thousands of dollars come out of nowhere to families. I have seen miracles.
Today I want to encourage you to give up your hurt to Him. To let go and God take care of the pain. Ask Him to come into your heart and give you the peace that passes all understanding. Because if you do….. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED at what lies ahead of you.
Last year my husband and I lost 2 babies. On Christmas day 2011 I lay in a hospital bed waiting for the surgeons to remove Baby Jesse from me. I asked God to take this pain, hurt, and heartache from me and what happened next was like nothing you could imagine. I immediately felt the heaviness leave my body and this incredible peace fall upon me. The nervousness and anxiety of surgery and being exposed to powerful drugs was gone. Honestly even before they gave me any medications it felt like I was on a sedative. After surgery the pain they said I would experience simply wasn’t there. That peace is still in my heart and although I still mourn for the children I lost I am renewed.
Tomorrow I will be 19 weeks pregnant. God has renewed me, restored what I have lost, and healed me and He can do the same for you. So pray for Jesus Christ to come into your heart. Pray for your miracle. Pray for the Peace that passes all understanding.
I love you and pray for your healing too!
Mary Starr Carter
The Total Wellness Doc and Mom
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.
Thank you for sharing! May the Peace God continue to rule and reign in your life!
PRAISE GOD!! thank you for sharing this beautiful heart felt letter of redemption!
Mary and Jay,
I am so excited for your family. Praise God!!!
Blessings & ((((HUGS))))),
Dave & Kathleen
Thank you everyone for your feedback!!!